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I wake up to a room void of a beating heart. I use my lungs for the only purpose they have, smelling, I breathe in Decker's fading scent and instantly want to slap myself for enjoying it. I quickly get dressed as the loneliness starts to creep up and drown me in the waves of longing. 

I pull on my typical attire of a sports bra and cargo pants, with combat boots, and then leave the room. I quickly start down the hall in search of the man I so desperately want to screw me. Better yet fuck me. 

I never had a problem getting men to want me. They seemed to love the fearless vibe I'm told I so expertly put off. Something Abigal always shook her head at those words. She said the right man would realize the tough girl act was all just that, an act. I smile at the thought of my dear friends that took me in years ago. 

"Sin," I turn my head at his voice, my insides seem to burn in hot burning hatred instantly, Jacob sends me a smile. 

"You have changed a lot," Jacob observes as he takes a step to me. The way his eyes scan my body makes me want to both kill him and vomit.

"Nice observation," I spit, causing Jacob to chuckle as he looks at me admiringly so. 

"It's kind of weird seeing my mate again, after so many years. I've missed you."I raise my eyebrows as I look at him sideways. Missed me, he acts as though I left on a business trip, and he has been lovingly waiting for my return.

"The feeling is not mutual," I growl as I cross my arms. At my movement, Jacob looks down at my boobs, causing me to glare. He then looks back into my eyes, a mournful look taking over his face. He takes a moment before he finally opens his mouth.

"What happened?" Jacob pauses, seeming to search my eyes, "To the girl that begged me to love her?" At his words, bitterness knocks on the door, and my heart eagerly lets him in. 

A humorless laugh bubbles from me and overflows into the air at the irony. "She died a long time ago." I taste the bitterness on my tongue, the familiar taste and feeling making itself at home in my body.

Jacob shakes his head, "No, you are in there somewhere. I know you still love me; we are mates." I roll my eyes at his words. I had absolutely no feelings for him anymore; he rejected me and banished me from my home so I could die.

"Whatever, if that helps you sleep at night," I say as I turn to walk away, I hear Jacob's footsteps following behind me. Anger bubbling in me at his words replaying in my mind, what game is he playing. 

"But Po-"

"Do not say my name!" I harshly yell as I turn and look at him dead in the eye with a killer glare, he looks at me in complete shock. I then roll my shoulders back and with a firm voice, "My name is Sin." 


I find Decker in the kitchen with Destiny and Colt. They look to me as I walk in, Colt is munching on Bacon and Decker is eating a biscuit. Destiny glares at my attire. She wears a loose t-shirt and leggings with running shoes. "Sin." I look to Decker and resist shivering as his voice sends shivers down my spine and ignites a fire that warms my body. "You and Destiny are going to where the female Beta, Ashleen, was attacked. Look around, see if you can find clues of what happened." Decker explains as he watches me; my jaw clenches at thoughts of my recent run-in with Jacob, but I nod my head. 

Decker watches me for a moment before his eyes glaze over for a second, then Destiny and Colt leave the room. I watch Decker as he takes a step and places his hand gently on my side. 

"My love, Who is he? Tell me his name, and I'll kill him in a second," My eyes widen at Decker's violent words and how they gently roll off his tongue. The words so intense yet still sounded like music. I tell myself the only reason he makes me feel this way is because I want him so bad, sexually, and the only reason I want him so bad sexually is because he is playing hard to get, so now I must conquer his body.

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