They did it

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You got up and did your morning routine. Then you woke up Crystal and she did her morning routine. You both were dressed and left. As you were walking you got the idea to ask Crystal something. "Crystal, what's the worst thing you remember doing?" "I had a boyfriend but he cheated on me continuously with another girl. And one night I found the lube he was using and replaced it with super glue. And they actually did it and ended up in the hospital. And he asked me to help him pay the bill but I said, 'since your love her so much now y'all stuck together!"
Your reaction.

 And he asked me to help him pay the bill but I said, 'since your love her so much now y'all stuck together!" Your reaction

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"Imma pretend I didn't hear that." You said walking faster. Then you guys were in in front of school. "It's Friday you know, what are we gonna do?" Crystal said looking at you. You learned not to let her choose what do so because last time you found yourself drunk at a bar. And woke up in some old mans beds. You will never let her choose again.

"I guess they cleaned the body?" "Yea I guess." You both walk in and see all the students acting like someone was watching them and one wrong move would cost them their life. Unaware of what was going on, you and Crystal keep walking. Until finally you see the plant girl. "Um, hey do you know why everyone is acting strange?" "Well I would let you suffer but you helped me so I'll help you. You guys know how Veronica and Bailey were murdered at school?" "Yea." You answer. "We even saw the dead body's. Blood was everywhere." "Sick. But anyways, Baileys dad is here. And Veronica is the principals daughter. So they are trying to find out who did it." "So why are the students acting strange?" Crystal said trying to figure out if she was Bullshating you. "Well you see, we all have that red and black and white part on our uniforms?" "Uh hu." "Well whoever did it cut a piece of it off their uniform. So they think that whoever did it is from this school. Or whoever did it is throwing them off." "Kinda but doesn't explain why the students are acting like that." "You didn't let me finish. They put cameras everywhere so they can watch us. Even in the bathroom. And also throughout the day they are bring students to Mr. Rays office to ask them question to see if it matched up. The murder happened at 5:30 yesterday and everyone on the camera that was here at that time is getting questioned first." "How did you know the exact time? You could have done it." "Look at me." You and Crystal stare at her from top to bottom. "I don't wear the uniform you guys wear, I always wear a 100% nature dress." You and Crystal looked again. Her dress was made from 100% nature.

"Yes I was here but I live in the garden

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"Yes I was here but I live in the garden. I am part plant so every day after school I become one with the garden and stay their and get my nutrients. I don't eat you food. Like a plant I need sunlight and water to survive." "What do you do with you dresses once you done with them?" "I bury them and let them grow and make more dresses." "Oh. Well it's 9:47 so we should be heading to class." "Okay." "Thank you for helping." "No thank you for saving my brothers and sisters." You all wave and leave. Halfway down the hall Crystal starts to talk. "What if her dad says we did it? You know he hates us." "But I was at the hospital at 5:30 with the doctor and you guys were in the hospital waiting for me." "Yea I took a picture of me at the hospital. But I put my camera on everyone else and saw what they really were outside of human form and I won't probably sleep for the next 300 years. But I also took the picture of you with me at 5:40." "So we couldn't have done it." "Yea I guess not." You and Crystal go to class.

You were so caught up in what happened you started to ignore Crystal. So she threw a paper ball at you. You look at her and you both talk for about 3 minutes before the teacher interrupts you. "Miss Y/n and Miss Palmer. Is there something you would like to share with the class? It's not fair if you tell her and not everyone else."

You wanted to tell her to mind her own business, but she had a ruler in her hand and you didn't know if she was going to go Baldi on you with it so you answer correctly

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You wanted to tell her to mind her own business, but she had a ruler in her hand and you didn't know if she was going to go Baldi on you with it so you answer correctly. "No ma'am." "Thank you. I would appreciate it if you listen wh-." "Y/n L/n and Cry's Palmer please report to the front office." The loud intercom cut the teacher off. You and Crystal stood up. And all of the students looked at you with sorry eyes.
You and Crystal walk down to the office. The secretary let you to the principals office. There you saw 2 police men and Mr. Ray and Mr. Hunt. "You may take a seat." Mr. Ray said. You and Crystal hesitantly sit down. "Do you know why we called you down?" "Because of yesterday?" "Yes." "What were you doing yesterday at 5:30?" "We were at the hospital. I got bit by a Mind flayer." "Do you have any proof?" Crystal quickly pulls out her phone and shows the principals you and her yesterday. Then they sighed in defeat. "You may go back to class." You and Crystal happily walk out. As you are going back to class you feel the urge to ask Crystal something. "Was the three boys with you the whole time?" "I'll tell you later."
Time skip to end of the day
You and Crystal finally we walking home. They didn't let you out until to hours later. As you are walking back, you grab you phone and look in you pocket for your headphones. Once you can't find them you remember you left them in your locker. "I left my earphones inside school!" "Go get them I'll wait." Crystal said sitting on a bench. "Don't leave." "I won't." She giggles you turn and walk back into school. You went to your locker and get your earphones. Then as your walking to the door you see the boys walking out as well. "Eric! Blake! ALEC!!" They turn their heads to look at you. "Oh hey Y/n." You all stop at the door. "Did you hear about the deaths?" "Sure we did." You turn to Eric. And ask him the question. "Eric. Yesterday i asked you about the girls and you told me not to worry. Did you kill them." Suddenly Eric pushes you agains the wall and puts both hand above your head blocking you. "Yes. But they were in outlet way doll. And Crystal is in our way to. So if you want her to stay alive you better not tell." "Yes. I promise." Eric let's you got and they all smirk at you. You ran out the school back to Crystal. She was still on the bench. You got her up and you guys walk back to your room. You plop on the couch and Crystal goes to the fridge. "Y/n we need more food." "We don't have jobs." "Well we could ask out parents to send us some money." "No they did enough by giving us somewhere to stay." "Yea I guess." "Why didn't you tell me what happened at school?" "She said they put up cameras. So if the cameras were listening he could he got caught." "Good point."
I don't own any pictures. All rights to original owner. The next chapter will probably be the splitting point. Where u do u . The words I used to make this was: 1344.

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