A Body Has Been Discovered

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The next morning you sigh as you get out of bed and take a shower. You get dressed and wake Crystal up. She is snoring very loud. But you didn't tell her.

Time skip brought to you by me!
You and Crystal walk to school only to see an ambulance, police cars, yellow tape and lots of others.
You and Crystal walk over and are about to go into school when a police officer stopped you.
"I'm sorry but you are not allowed in here today."
"But school-."
"It's canceled go home."
Then he turned and walked around.
But Crystal grabbed his but then ran and he looked back at her. You ran and hid in a crowd of people.
"He didn't even tell us what happened!"
Crystal said sitting on the couch.
"Yes that's crazy. But at least no school." "Hey Y/n. I know this might be bad but how curious are you to find out what happened?" "Like, a lot." "How about we sneak into school?" Crystal raises her eyebrows and smirks. "What if we get caught?" "We wont." "Thats what you said last time we did something like this and we got detention for 5 days." You said folding your arms. "Okay I pinkie promise." Crystal stool out her pinkie and your grabbed it with yours. "If we get caught I'm cutting you pinkie off." Crystal yanked back her hand. "Okay maybe we could get caught. But we'll use stealth mode." "Ughh fine lets go." "Yasss." Crystal said under her breath.

You guys sneak behind a bush in front of school. You saw the police man from earlier with 5 more. And the same amount of people or more. "How da fack are we going to get past them? These are like the guards at Area 51!!" "Shush keep it down." Crystal said still peeking over. "We'll go through the back." "And if there's guards in the back?" "Well we are facked." You and Crystal sneak over more bushes until you reach the back. "Now we have to jump over the bushes." You said sighing. "Look you get on my back and peer over to see if it's clear." "Okay be still. I don't like when something I'm on is shaking." You jump on Crystals back and lift your head and peer over. You saw nothing. "It's clear." Then without warning, Crystal grabbed your legs and pushed you over the bushes. "Hey you deckhead!" "Shush! Help me over!" You went to find something to help her. Then you find a dirty stool and throw it over. Crystal grabbed it and came over. You both ran to the door. Locked. "Fack." "I think I have a hair pin in my hair." Crystal says running her hand through her hair. She found it and put us in the door and it opened. You both go in and quietly look around. You finally hear where all the noise is coming from and saw Baileys dad, Victoria's dad and more police. You guys squeeze in and look at the scene but stay hidden within the reporters. What you saw was horrifying. You saw Bailey and Veronica dead. They had chopped off some body parts and there was blood everywhere and written on the locker was, 'Don't mess with our kitty'. You and Crystal don't talk but silently get out and go over the bushes and back to the apartment. And once you guys are inside you scream. "WHAT THE HELL??" Crystal screamed. "THEIR BODY PARTS WHERE EVERY WHERE!" "Okay we need to calm down." You and Crystal try to take some deep breaths.

"Crystal did Eric tell us not to worry about Veronica and Bailey yesterday?"
"Yea but we have no real proof he did it." "I'll ask about it tomorrow."

Yes, I did edit out some curse words. And some I didn't.

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