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Chapter 4
Always Watching

Jhonny spent the next few days sitting on his thoughts. He had to think quick, and calculated at that. Usually he was on his game but lately his head was all over the place and he wasn't sure why. After returning home from dropping Isis off, he was surprised to see that Kimmy had really up and left - telling him that their love had drawn its line in the sand. She no longer craved the life he could give her, and she was at a point she could envision herself not being crippled by his ways. Kimmy hated being sheltered.

Jhonny could understand her anguish, but after losing a plethora of people over the years he learned to keep his most precious things to himself. If Kimmy wasn't in the limelight, no one would go after him to hurt him. That was the best he could do, unfortunately she would never understand. So with that he spent the rest of the week in his home alone, plotting.

He was confident that his soldiers could handle things, as well as Mya who was still pressing him to take a break until things blew over. After much thought, Jhonny finally called a meeting at his condo in Center City - a residence he took in for handling business away from where he laid his head. Only few knew where he actually lived, and he wanted to keep it that way especially after hearing about the UC that crawled their way in. His first mission was to come after those who were coming after him. They would either stand with him or lay down, and Blues bled just like the rest of em.

The extravagant dining room was occupied by the hood elite, all who reigned underneath Jhonny and couldn't make a move unless he called it. Dressed down in all Black McQueen, a Cuban cigar hung from his lips as he sat at the top of the table. Mya sat at the opposite end, anxious at what her brother had called a meeting for - and if he was smart, he would hand over his empire to her even if only for a moment. So she could really show him how to get shit rocking. To her, Jhonny wasn't savage enough. He got sloppy because he let his compassion get in the way, and that was against one of the most obvious rules of the Savage Scriptures.

"I've brought you all together because I've decided on my next play. I know the streets have been hot lately, stopping business from running its natural course. The state is obviously trying to prove something, so I feel it's only fair we prove ourselves as well." Jhonny announced with a wicked grin, "I got the drop on the squad that took down the party, so send the soldiers to do the dirty work - shake em up so they can feel our presence. Follow up with an offering. They can protect us, or fear us. Cause we damn sure won't fear them."

"You don't think that'll make things worse?"Gio asked. He was all for war, but not if it was going to blow up the home field in the process.

"Only if you're thinking like we already lost." Mya jumped in, all for it. "My pops had every district on his payroll, it's time we do the same. That way they won't even think about crossing us again. I'm wit it."

Rhino snickered, "Yeah we know, Rambo. We got dirt on any of these niggas, fear only goes so far? They gotta be in to save themselves."

Jhonny nodded, already two steps ahead of them. "I got my tech team working on that. Right now I just need y'all to lock down info on their families, loved ones, hit em where it hurts. Do whatever it takes to get these ticks off our back, so we can get back to the money. And find out who the fuck that UC was, and put em in the dirt. I got a feeling it was one of them bitches in the mansion."

"Wouldn't Isis know about that?" Gio posed another question.

"Good point, I'll make it my business to ask while we're out of town." Jhonny said, putting out his cigar.

"We?" He made sure he was hearing Jhonny correctly.

The men in the circle glanced at Gio, who was always quick to question Jhonny's decisions whereas the rest of them just fell in line. Jhonny had the longest run in the game and his family's legacy held loyalty with multiple connects that knew how the gang got down. Once Lorenzo was gunned down, his power transferred over to his heir, and all those years he put in the game was now on Jhonny's resume.

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