What It Took To Realise(Part 1)

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"Write what you like about him."
"You might realise something."

Midoriya's words couldn't feel more vague in the plain day light of Todoroki's mind.

Nevertheless, it echoed in his head. The white noise in the background bouncing off of him like electricity on rubber as he tried to quell the restlessness that claimed his fingers.

He was supposed to be writing an essay but couldn't seem to find any sensible thing to put on his blank lined folder page. It felt a bit intimidating, even the crumpling sound of his continuous erasing and the scribbling. So. Much. Scribbling.

Concentration was just slipping past him like sand, like it had been doing for the past week.

But, it was last period anyway, so he should be fine.

This always happened when he was deep in thought and today was no exception. He'd been getting into more fights with Bakugo. Way to many to even be remotely okay.

It stopped for a while and he thought that they were on better terms. That's why he was so confused when they suddenly were back at eachother's throats.

"I thought we were passed this." Was what he wanted to say.

It would be on the tip of his tongue the every time the blond started shouting at him.

He he'd never say it though. It wouldn't do much of anything really.

Yet, he didn't want to argue. If he could just get Bakugo to understand that.

With a small sigh, he forced himself to look out the window to his left instead of at the blond who was scowling deeply at whatever Kirishima just whispered into his ear. He heard the red head chuckle but he didn't let himself listen to the rest.

He even ended up counting cherry blossoms as they fluttered down from trees. The petals almost looking like a shade of magenta in the caramel sky.

It was like a fresh breath of optimism that he himself lacked. But that didn't give him more of their cheerfulness. It just made him realize he was frowning.

He fiddled with a strand of red hair, ignoring the pit that developed in his stomach.

Spring reminded him that he sometimes felt lonely even around such beautiful people.  That they would all fall one by one, even by twos, to the floor at some point and whither with change. 

But, he thought that things were changing for the better too. Good changes.

There were many. 

He had people he cared about and they knew he cared about them. He is truly grateful to them.  

He thought that was the same with the explosive blond too. They found solace with each other through remedial classes and it was honestly quite a pleasurable time. More enjoyable than he thought it could have been. 

But now, it felt like he was dunked into a bath full of ice cubes and everything, waking him back up to his supposed reality.

He couldn't help but wonder sometimes. Did he do something wrong? Did he say something worse? If he knew, he'd apologize ten times over, twenty times for good measure.

He wasn't quite aware of what exactly Bakugo thought of him now but, he knew that what he thought of Bakugo wasn't anything near biting as the blond would assume.

Todoroki realized a long time ago that he had trouble expressing himself (no help from his father who loomed over him like a shadow on everything he did) and it was only Midoriya who seemed to get things out of him at all. He understood the dual haired teen well, they were best friends after all. Todoroki wasn't that good at reading moods but he's at least good at understanding his small friend group.

That's why that morning in the dorm's kitchen, he had asked Midoriya for some advice like he always did whenever he felt a fleeting bit lost in his own maze of wondering words. He wanted to be Bakugo's friend, since he was certain that he wasn't viewed as one. 

Midoriya lived around Bakugo longer than anyone in class did. He should know something.

Even Midoriya and Katsuki were much more civil with one another these days.

The boy put a finger on his freckled cheek, eyes calculative.

"Write what you like about him."
He said after a good minute of silence.

"Huh?" Todoroki blurted out with a small furrow of his eyebrows. He must have sounded silly because Modoriya was suddenly stifling giggles.

It wasn't what the dual haired teen expected to hear but he also didn't know exactly he thought he'd hear to begin with.

"How will that help us stop fighting?" The peppermint haired boy asked. He genuinely was at a complete loss.

"Try it, you might realize something." Midoriya responded, grinning slyly at him. On the contrary to popular beliefs, Midoriya was not the little angel you'd find by your window at christmas.

It made Todoroki more confused sometimes.

Even then when Midoriya sensed Todoroki's apprehension, he didn't elaborate much on it after except for a small smile and him saying, "Trust me a little."

Todoroki would indeed try.

That being said, it felt like Midoriya was aware of something he wasn't but he didn't ask, taking in the words that the other had given him with a wee bit of skepticism and a truck load of determination.

Which, was why he was here now, discarding the act of counting cherry blossoms and pulling out a new folder page. If he had to make use of class, he'll do something different.

To be continued...

Hello there ppl. I know, I haven't posted in eternity but I wasn't sure how to start this one. Just a few days ago I came up with this and I hope this first part here is decent.
Oop loop■●■●■

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