Chapter Fifteen

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Lyra Baudry's POV

A few more days of riding pass before we reach the town. All the while I had been keeping an eye on Kaladin.

I many a time caught him watching me on our rides or at the fires we slept around, but he still hasn't uttered a word to me.

Jed had shaken me awake this morning, saying that Kaladin wanted us to meet in the town square. I dressed into a different shirt, one that I purchased when we arrived, and pulled my boots on. Splashing water onto my face to wake me more, I listen as Jed straps his scabbard on somewhere behind me.

The inn we are at is relatively nice, though not as nice as the first one we stayed at, I find that I am starting to take to the nomadic life style and can no longer be bothered by places like these.

Jed and I were assigned to the same room again, and I once woke to him staring at me in the night. We had been staying here for two days so far, while Kaladin met with a few people about some things.

My shoulder is mostly healed now, and the bruises on my face have disappeared. Lance was right, the herbs did help considerably.

"Kaladin found work for us." Jed explains, tossing me an apple from his bag.

Work? It never occurred to me that I would end up on a job with them. "He wants me there as well?" I didn't know that I was considered one of them yet.
I say nothing and eat the apple as he leads me out the door, cinching my quiver to my back. This could stand to be interesting.


"Your late." Kaladin greets us with his typical cheery manner. I'm being sarcastic of course. He hardly waits for us before he starts on his way through the crowds, Syl, and Adolin sharing a look before scurrying off behind him so no t to get left behind. Jed and I start at a jog to catch up.

I toss my apple core into the pen of some hogs that we pass, and I look up at the towering castle ahead. So that's where we're headed.

We are in the third largest kingdom in the country, and I've heard tales about the infamous king that rules here. There's been stories that he poisoned his brother so that he could rise and claim the throne. And judging by the shacks of the people that reside here, I would guess that he charges hefty taxes as well.

Kaladin stays silent and is as taut as my bow string as we near the walls of the dark and dreary castle, and I suppress a shiver at the dampened weight of the dark stone. The people here don't smile at us, but rather stare and move aside as if we are plagued rats at their feet. Shrugging, I change my striding to keep the pace set by our leader. If none of them are worried, then I should have no reason to be either.

"Navani." I raise my head to look attentively at Kaladin. He looks at me sidelong, face serious. "This job involves some works that you may have never encountered. Be prepared, and show no fear or nervousness. King Alphonse my be intimidating, but he is not very smart."

I nod, taking everything that he says into account. Falling back into step with Jed, he gives me a look, then a glare, past me, at one of the guards that stand on either side of the gates. Though they are open, I can't help but hesitate before going through. This is my first job, the one time that I can truly prove myself as a mercenary and get accepted into this group. This will be vital to my cover, so I will need to be prepared for anything.


The entire court is silent as we walk in through the heavy wooden doors, our footsteps echoing loudly. The eyes of the wealthy men and women lined around the walls lay upon us like a heavy burden, their silence weighted with judgment.

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