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Fred and James were chatting about quidditch again. James was the Gryffindor captain this year, it was his first year as Captain as he was now a sixth year. James hadn't realized before how difficult being Captain would be, but he'd complained to Alfie around a hundred times about everything he had to do. He'd had to book practices before he'd even chosen his team, Wednesdays from four to five and long practices on Sunday mornings before breakfast. He'd only just scheduled tryouts, he had a vague idea of the people he'd chose as they had been on the team last year, but he couldn't make any precise decisions until tryouts. At the moment Fred was convincing James that a pretty 6th year girl, Mary something, should be put on the team despite the fact she couldn't fly.

"But think of how good she'd look in a uniform." Fred whined.

"I don't care what she looks like in her uniform! Merlin, Fred I can't let the team be bullocks." Fred and James continued to argue.

"We figured out the spells to use."Alfie interrupted the pointless argument. James and Fred exchanged animated expressions, suddenly forgetting their disagreement. James was getting ready to speak, when a voice interrupted.

"Did you tell them yet?" Cassie slipped into the bench beside James. Alfie rolled his eyes.

"Well I was in the middle of it." Alfie was teasing her playfully and she responded likewise.

"Sorry!" Cassie didn't look very sorry.

Alfie glanced around him and noticed the Gryffindors staring at Cassie in shock. They were surprised that a Slytherin was sitting at the Gryffindor table. During breakfast and lunch it was common for students to sit at tables other than their own house if they had friends at another table. Dinner was more formal and most people sat with their correct house. No rule stated that you had to sit at your house table for every meal, but it was very rare that Slytherins and Gryffindors would mingle. Slytherins weren't known to mingle in general. Many people thought badly of all Slytherin students. Cassie, despite her house, had managed to befriend most of the school, including himself. She hardly noticed the looks she was getting. Alfie grinned and turned back to the conversation.

"First we conjure the glitter and use an in between of Mobili-Wadawasi , then a Gemino curse and that should do it." He explained.

"Alfie is so brilliant." Cassie gushed, causing Alfie to blush.

"You're the one who figured out that saying Mobili-wadawasi would cause the confetti to fly around the whole room." Cassie laughed and modestly waved her hand.

"Yeah, but you figured out how the wand movement should go. Much more important if you ask me, the wrong wand movement could cause something to blow up! Plus you thought of the Gemino cure, positively evil really, everytime they touch glitter, more is created." Fred let out a loud guffaw and soon the others joined him in laughter. James was hesitant to join in, not entirely comfortable with Cassie sitting beside him. Alfie could see James unsure expression and he almost rolled his eyes at his friend.

James, Fred and Alfie had always been a three person pranking team, none of them trusted anyone else to help with or tell their plans to. Alfie supposed James was feeling jealous, he was never good at sharing friends or the spotlight.

"James, are you okay?" Alfie glanced at James with genuine worry.

"Just peachy." He deadpanned and stood from his seat. "I'm not very hungry though, so I'm going up to the dorm."

Alfie and Fred exchanged looks, suddenly knowing their friend's problem. They could guess James thoughts. Cassie waved 'goodbye' kindly to James, which was ignored. Alfie let out a disgruntled sigh. After James had left the Great Hall, Cassie faced the other two boys.

"Is he going to be okay?" Cassie appeared genuinely concerned about James. Fred nodded with a roll of his eyes.

"Yeah, he's just being a blighter." Fred snorted into his plate of food. Alfie let out another breath. Cassie waited for them to explain further and Alfie continued hesitantly.

"James is... possessive." Cassie's curiosity was piqued.

"Oh?" She was awaiting more information.

"He likes his friends, as his friends." Alfie shrugged as further explanation.

"He doesn't do the whole 'new friends' thing easily either. Change isn't his favorite thing." Fred extended the statement. Cassie nodded her understanding.

"You should sneak him up some dinner then. He'll probably be starving since his excuse was fake." Alfie was shocked by Cassie's kindness as he had been many a time before.

"What? No way! He should suffer." Fred conspired as Alfie nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Bring him some food." She chided the boys as if she were their mothers. They both pouted at her, but didn't disagree. Cassie nabbed a napkin and stuffed some of the essentials from dinner into it, folding it safely and handing it to Alfie to pocket.

"I don't understand how you can be so kind when he was being such a berk."

"He'll get used to me eventually." She shrugged. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, my friends keep staring over here." Indeed the group of Slytherin 6th year girls were continually glancing at Cassie. They kept frowning toward the Gryffindor table either in disgust or confusion. She gave a wave goodbye to the boys and left to return to the Slytherin table.

Alfie tramped into his dorm room and noticed James laying in his bed with a huge pout. Before James could groan about his empty stomach, the napkin full of food was being chucked onto his chest. He grunted from the projectile object, but soon let out a yell of excitement.

"Thanks Alfie, I'm starving!"

"Oh, don't thank me you blighter. I wanted you to starve, but Cassie insisted that I bring you food." James felt a little startled and guilty at that.

"She- she?" Alfie gave an angry nod.

"She insisted even after we told her why you left." James sat up straight, food falling onto his bed.

"You what?" A piece of turkey hung from his mouth and he squawked in outrage.

"Oh shut it, you jealous swot." Alfie chucked one of his shoes at James. He ducked and let out a yelp.

"Alright, Alright. I'm sorry!" James cried as more projectiles flew from Alfie's hands.

"Are you really, because honestly I think you'd like Cassie if you gave her a chance." James shrugged,

"Would I?"

"I really think you would." James scoffed at his friend.

"I doubt that."

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