Bitchy Bailey

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You and crystal were walking down the hall shoulder to shoulder when the school bully Bailey walked right in between you.

She was the school bully and picked on everyone that she knew wouldn't do anything

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She was the school bully and picked on everyone that she knew wouldn't do anything. "Watch were your going asshole!!" "Wanna repeat that? I'll tell my dad on you." Bailey said smirking. Crystal gritted her teeth but you put a hand on her shoulder. "Leave it alone it's not worth it. Even if you beat her up she's still going to act like a bitch." "Yeah your right." Crystal looked down and Bailey laughed and walked away.
Bailey was the daughter of the principal

 Bailey was the daughter of the principal

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Mr.Hunt. They were rich and owned almost every house in your town but Mrs. Blue owned her house and refused to give it to them so that was the only thing they didn't own. You and every one in school hated Bailey. She was a spoilt brat and good every thing she wanted and was rude to kids that didn't have as mush as her. And if anyone would say anything she would get mad and tell her father and he would kick them out of the house. And more than likely not let them back in. And something almost everyone hated about her was that she dyed her hair that pink color. Her hair is brown like her fathers. Your pretty sure he doesn't like it either.

"Did you see those clothes she was wearing back there?! If one of us wore that we would be suspended for like 8 months🙄." Crystal said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah it's not fair she gets to do more than us. Sometimes I wish I could hit her in her mouth." You said chuckling. Both walked out of school after showing your cards to the guard. The teacher had asked you guys to stay behind to help her and she would raise your grade in that class so you agreed. "So what do you want to do Crystal?" "Let's go to the mall I heard they opened a new arcade then we can go get some food." "Sounds good." You and Crystal put you books in your backpacks and walked to the mall. You guys to the elevator to the arcade it looked awesome!

You and Crystal had a feeling you were going to be there for awhile

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You and Crystal had a feeling you were going to be there for awhile. 

You guys did a lot. You threw basketballs, you played the games on the machines. You beat Crystal in pac - man and she was pissed of. They you guys saw a motorcycle game. You and Crystal both looked at each other before running over. You guys looked at how much it was. 4 tokens for 1 ride? You and Crystal only had 3 but a kind man gave you one more. Crystal put hers in and got on top. You put yours in then tied your shoes. Once you got up you saw Bailey on it. "Get off. I payed." "This is my dads arcade. Those tokens are his this carpet is this these games are his so back of b+tch. You were shocked but then pushed her off and started to beat her up. You both fought until her dad came and pulled her off. "Bailey what on earth is going on?" Bailey our on her crying voice then answered her dad. "Dad - I payed for the tokens then I was going to get on but she pushed me and got on and I told her to stop and she pushed me down and started to beat me up." "This is unacceptable." Mr. Hunt said. "Y/n you are officially banned from this arcade. Then Crystal stepped off of her motorcycle. "If you ban her ban me to!." Crystal said trying to be brave for you but....... Then you both found your selfs pushed outside the arcade m. "Well it was fun while it lasted?" Crystal glared at you and kept walking. "Let's go eat."

You walk into the food court then sit down

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You walk into the food court then sit down. "What are you getting Crystal?" "Subway." she said taking her phone of her backpack. She gets up and walks over to subway. You look around then desire to get (food you want) you and Ashley sit, talk, eat, then you both caught a taxi and went home. They dropped you off at her house but your house is only 3 houses down. "Bye goodnight Crystal!" "Good night Y/n!"  

You walk into you house

To see your parents on the couch watching tv

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To see your parents on the couch watching tv. They turn their heads to look at you. "Oh hi honey." Your mother said walking over to you and kissing your fore head. "Hi mom." You say kissing her cheek. "Y/n theirs something we want to show you." Your mother happily speed walked over to the couch and picked up the news paper and showed it to you. "Here." You read it. It said there was a dance  at your school.
"Well are you going?"

The what you say will determine your ending.
A: Stay home
B: go to the dance

I don't own any pictures in here. All rights to original owner.

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