Chapter Eighteen ~ Outside

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Roman finally came back, dragging Seth along. Dean followed behind.

I was lying on the couch when they came in but when I saw Seth, I quickly hopped up and got into my 'defense mode.'

"It's okay, Mia. We're just gonna have a talk with him." Dean said, glaring at Seth. Great, I really want to talk to the man who beat me. Who raped me.

I looked right into Seth's eyes. They were bloodshot which meant he had been crying or doing drugs. My heart told me he was crying.

And you,
Bring me to my knees.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still looking at Seth.

"Well you two are going to talk first. In my room. And then we all talk together." Roman said, leading Seth into the room. Then I slowly walked inside. Roman whispered in my ear, "Scream if he tries anything." I nodded.

And all the times,
That I could beg you please.

The door closed and I was left in this room with the man who I thought I could trust. Goosebumps traveled through my whole body.

All the time,
That I felt insecure.

In the beginning, me and Seth were very close. Now...


What were we now? Friends? Old lovers? Suspect and Victim?

Most of the time it was just silence and a stare down between me and Seth. The goosebumps still haven't left my body.

"Oh sweetheart, you're cold. Here," Seth said, walking over and putting both of my hands in his.

"Don't tou-" I started, but he interrupted. "Shh, I won't do anything to you.''

And that was it, at one moment I was scared to be near him. The next, I was kissing him.

And I leave,
My burdens at the door.

But a minute later, I realized what I was doing and pushed him away from me and wiped my lips off with my hand.

"We're done here, Seth." I confirmed.

He smirked at me and followed behind as we walked out into the living room. Roman came over and had me sit on the couch.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Wait. The police have been called and Seth is going to jail." Roman stated.

So we waited, and the police came within less than 10 minutes. Right there in the living room they arrested Seth Rollins.

But I'm on the Outside.
I'm looking in.

Hand-cuffing Seth, the police officer said, "Seth Rollins, you're under arrest for the sexual assult and battery of Mia Lee." The other officer had been talking through his phone informing the station he worked at that they had just arrested Seth.

For a reason, I felt tears getting ready to fall out of my eyes.

That reason was because I still loved Seth.

I can see through you.
See your true colors.

Yes, he beat me. He raped me. But I also remeber the good times we had together. Honestly, I wanted to get those handcuffs off of him and then just have the two of us run away together. But it doesn't work that way, does it?

Cause' inside, you're ugly.
You're ugly like me.

I shouldn't have told Roman. I just shouldn't have told him. I should have said anything about Seth. I should have just said something about a stranger beating and raping me.

I suddenly burst into tears. The police officers stopped just right near the door. "Is she okay?" One of them asked.

Roman nodded. "She's fine. She gets like this in these hard situations." He assured. The police officers looked at me for a couple seconds before the left the room.

Before they left, I looked at Seth one last time. He had a tear coming out of his eye as he mouthed, "I love you."

And then he was gone.

I calmed myself and looked up at Roman, who wasn't talking at all. He didn't seem too happy and I wanted to know why.

"R-Roman, what's wr-wrong?" I asked.

"Come on, get your stuff together. We're leaving."

I did so without question. Roman wanted to pack everything of ours. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't want to bother Roman. He just lost one of his best friends.

Once Roman had a small chat with Dean, we left the hotel. Dean walked to his rental and we walked to ours. Roman held the passenger door open for me. I got in, quietly thanking him.

Once he got in, I turned around to look at him and asked, "Roman, where are we going?"

He looked at me, took my hand in his and said, "We're going home."

Home. I like the sound of that.

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