Author's Note (very important)

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So, I don't know when I should end this book. If any of you have read Our Differences, then you know that I have ended the book at chapter 25 and continued on with a sequel that I am currently still working on.

I was thinking chapter 30 should be the end, but then I'm thinking chapter 25.

With 30, the chapters would be a bit smaller, but then there's more chapters to read.

With 25, there's going to be larger chapters but less to read.

Get what I'm saying?

Anyways, since I'm stuck on this whole thing, I'm going to see what you guys would like: Want me to end it at 25 chapters or 30 chapters? And remember that both options have positive and negative sides.

So please comment what you would like in the comments section, or you can message me.

And don't forget to check out Happily Never After, the sequel to Our Differences! It's a Dean Ambrose fan fiction. (If you haven't read Our Differences first, then I highly suggest you do that if you would like to read it) I also have two new stories coming out!

The first one is another Roman Reigns fan fiction, which paigemcbride1 has requested I make. I'm uploading it very soon so stay tuned!I can't wait to get started on it. I'm so excited!

And the next one is also a fan fiction, but it's another Dean Ambrose one. I have a really great feeling about this story. I have a feeling that it's going to be one of the best stories I've written.

I'll have more information on both of the stories, so make sure to stay around. (:

Oh, and if you guys need anything, you know, like help or someone to talk to, I'm here for each and every one of you. I can give you advice whether it's with writing or if your having problems with friends or family. Just know that I love all of you and that I'm here for you. You guys are always here for me, so I want to be here for you.

Oh, and not to mention, I love your comments. You guys make me smile and laugh so much. ❤️

But remember to tell me your opinion on what you would like with the end of this story! (: *like, which option do you prefer?*

*by the way* the picture is just a random picture that I took of my dog, Charlie Moxley Brown, with a professional camera. I just love him and I couldn't help but post this picture of him because he's a real cutie. But he's kind of aggressive and he likes to bite and try to jump on people sometimes, but I love him anyways. I just wanted to show you ladies and gents his cuteness.

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