Chapter Five ~ Pull It Up

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God, still no answer. I sent the message to Roman five minutes ago, and I haven't received anything. Not a text, phone call, or a knock on the door.

I needed to apologize for lashing out on him.

But then a knock on the door shook me out of my thoughts.

Please let it be Roman. Please let it be Roman, I thought as I basically ran to the door to open it.

It was Roman.

"Roman, I am so sorry for lashing out on you like that." I said, hugging him tightly, my arms never letting go of his waist. But Roman gently pulled my arms away, but held my hands. I looked up into his beautiful eyes that I get lost in all the time.

"Baby girl, don't be sorry. I understand. It's okay." He said, looking right in my eyes. He gave me a small smile, which I gladly returned.

Then he started leaning in. This is my moment. This is my moment. This is my moment. I thought as he leaned in to kiss me. But what I realized was that he didn't aim his perfect lips for mine. He aimed for my cheek.

Better than nothing, I guess. But why am I so unhappy?

Oh yeah, because his lips haven't connected with mine yet!

"Our first kiss shouldn't be in a hotel room." He said quietly. "Let me take you out?"

"Yss, I'd love to." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Good, I'll see you in thirty minutes."

"Okay. See you soon." I said. He headed out, and I ran back to take a shower and get dressed.

My hair was to be curly and I would put some simple makup on.

I dressed into a nice short grey dress that fit me perfectly. I put on grey high heels and some jewelry to finish the outfit.

And just in time, a knock on the door told me that Roman was here. I hurried to open it revealing Roman in dark jeans and a black V-Neck. His hair was tied back in a loose bun.

God, he looks so fucking sexy, I thought.

He smiled once he saw me. His eyes were looking up and down at my body. "Wow. You look amazing." He said.

"You clean up well yourself." I said smiling.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall." I said, closing the door behind me. Roman entwined our hands together and we walked to the parking lot of the hotel. He opened up the passenger door to his Black SUV for me and I climbed in.

Roman wasn't tellig me where we were going, so for the whole ride I had acted like a child by guessing places every second. I tried to annoy Roman to see if he would finally give in to tell me, but he was enjoying everything I was saying.



"Um, Subway?"



"Ew, no way."

"Can you give me a hint?" I asked.

"Well, all I'm going to say that it's a cafe." Roman said.

And about five minutes later, we pulled into Love's Cafe, a place that I have never been to before. Roman parked in the closest parking spot that he could find. He got out of the car, then went to te passenger's side to open up the door for me. We walked into Love's Cafe and got seated. I was looking down at my menu, but I felt a pair of eyes watching me.

I looked up to see Roman staring at me with a smile on is face. "Yes?" I asked, smiling.

"You're just so beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of you." He said quietly. I looked down to hide my blushing. Roman's hand lifted my chin up so he could look into my eyes.

"You're such a flirt." I said, which caused Roman to chuckle. The waitress came over to us and practically ruined the perfect moment.

"Hello, my name is Willa. May I take your order?" She says, never taking her eyes off of Roman. For some reason, I felt a bit of jealousy in me. This woman was good looking, I'll say. Her boobs, which were bigger than mine, were showing a bit too much out of her shirt.

I was afraid that Roman might just cancel this date to be with this waitress named Willa. I'm such an idiot. He wouldn't do that, would he?

"Well, three things. She would like a chocolate-chip mocha. I would like to have just a vanilla milkshake. And lastly, we would both like you to pull your shirt up." Roman said with a smile. I tried my hardest not to laugh so I covered my mouth with my hand and closed my eyes.

I heard the waitress say quietly, "You're food will be ready for you soon." followed with footsteps.

I opened my eyes and looked at Roman. I still covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh my God," I said. "It was so hard not to laugh at that."

Roman smiled at me, and took both of my hands and just held them. "Just have fun tonight, baby girl."

Oh, I will. 

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