Chapter Forty: Dinner, Part II

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Chapter Forty: Dinner, Part II



We wait about twenty minutes after the game for Ophelia to meet us at the front entrance of the recreation centre. Despite the strange ball of nervous anticipation crowding my gut, the sight of her walking towards us, freshly-showered but still faintly flushed with exercise, puts a smile on my face, makes my heart skip a beat and my blood pound a bit faster.

She's wearing her same outfit from this morning, that short light-pink dress with black leggings that hug the curves of her legs, making her look so soft and feminine and sexy and... I pull my eyes away so her family doesn't catch me staring.

Their team lost 3 to 1 and I can tell she's disappointed. Despite being generally really sweet and friendly, she's also one of the most competitive people I know. Next to Aunt Mel, maybe.

"Good game, sweetheart," Aunt Melanie greets, an encouraging smile warming her face. Darcy gives Fee's arm a playful, supportive bump and Uncle Gavin presses a kiss to the top of her head, musses her hair a little.

Her full pink lips round into a pout, and she gives them a tired smile and a shrug. "I didn't score, but, I think we played okay."

A wicked smile curves up the edge of Darcy's mouth and I press my eyes shut, already knowing. He quips quietly, "Well, apparently you scored plenty last night, so..."

Fee and I both blush and her parents pretend not to have heard him. Uncle Gavin clears his throat uncomfortably before saying, "You guys good with burgers for dinner? Rocket's?"

Rocket's is a really popular local diner near our neighbourhood that makes super good burgers, hand-cut fries, shakes. Haven't been there in a while, actually. We all mumble our agreement.

Ophelia floats over to me and I put a gentle hand on the small of her back, give her temple a kiss, slip her gym back off her shoulder and hoist it onto mine. "Good game, Feelz."

She flashes me a hint of that bright smile of hers and murmurs, "Thanks."

"Follow behind us, Luke?" Aunt Mel gives me a soft smile, trying for normalcy, I guess.


Ophelia's fingers lace with mine and she says, "I'll go with Luke? So he doesn't have to drive all by himself?"

Darcy smirks, his blue eyes glimmering. "I'll come too. It's been a while since the three of us hung out, huh?"

I roll my eyes and Feelz lets out a sigh. Darcy is going to give us so much shit tonight, I already know.

"Drive safe," Uncle Gavin advises dryly.

"He knows all about being safe. Right, Luke?" Darcy assures, voice loaded with mischief, nudging me with his elbow as he walks past.

Would it be wrong to punch my girlfriend's brother in the face in front of her parents?

"Darcy," Aunt Mel warns, looking entirely unimpressed.

He winks at her, suppressing a smile as he runs a hand through his thick golden-brown hair. She gives his arm a thwack and he laughs and then we split up as we walk through the parking lot.

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