Chapter Sixteen: More, Part II

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Chapter Sixteen: More, Part II



He said okay.

So now, uh...

The moment of truth.

My pulse is hammering in my veins as I sit there on his bed next to him, eyes glued, enraptured, spellbound, on the hard, telling outline of Luke's erect penis beneath the navy-blue fabric of his Jockey boxer-briefs.

His chest rises and falls. I can see the golden skin of his navel and the light dusting of dark hair that travels from his belly-button and disappears beneath the elastic waist-band of his underwear.

It feels like the space between my legs is... uh... a sauna. Or, more like a steam-room, I guess. A tropical rainforest, or, a tsunami, or...


I sit with my legs tucked under me, my thigh brushing Luke's, my knees pointed towards his head. Slowly, I rest my hand on his stomach, feel how warm the firm skin is beneath my palm.

I read somewhere that an average penis is just over 5" long when it's erect.

That fact suddenly comes to mind because the pronounced bulge in Luke's underwear looks... big.

My fingers hesitantly find the edge of his briefs that sits near the bottom of the V sculpted into his lower abdomen.

The room is silent except for our heavy, anticipatory breaths, the sound of my heart pounding beneath my ribcage, my blood speeding through my veins.

He shifts to lean onto one elbow and brings one of his hands down near mine to help me, and together we slowly slide the fabric down, off, away, and...





My mouth falls open as a breathy gasp escapes my lungs. My eyes go so wide I'm sure they're bugging out of my skull.

First, I didn't realize that penises sit up, against a guy's stomach, instead of pointing down towards their toes.

Second, uh. He looks much, much longer than 5 inches.

I think I forget how to breathe.

My entire body has burst into flames.


Just, woah.

There's this bed of short, dark, course hair that covers his pubic bone. And then... his... dick emerges, with a heavy, round sac beneath it that's faintly ridged with this subtle, almost wrinkly texture. His shaft is... thicker than I thought it would be. Maybe... a couple inches across?

I don't know, I was never very good at math.

The skin isn't exactly smooth. It has ridges and veins along the length of it, and the tip is big, and pink, and...

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