Chapter Four: Exams

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A/N: It's getting hot in here 🙈


Chapter Four: Exams



I'm trying to be a good boyfriend, I really am.

January means first semester final exams for high-school.

Ophelia is such a nerd. She's disciplined and studious and it's one of the things I love about her, and so I don't wanna, you know, distract her.

I've been trying to give her more time and space so she can study, so she can focus on her exams. She's taking all core courses this semester so I know she has a lot of work to do.

Except I miss her.

And I miss kissing her.

It's a Wednesday morning before I head off to my life-guarding shift at the local pool when I get a message from her that makes me smile.

Luke I hate math

I know you do, Feelz
You can do it, tho
When's the test again?

Friday. Last one and then I'm FREE
I need a break from studying before
my brain starts rotting 😭

How about...

How about what

How about you study really hard today
Then you can come by my place later
We can watch a movie and you can take
a break

What time are you done at the pool?


I can be there at 4:15?

Except you better study really hard
or else the deal's off

Yes, MOM

😉gtg see you later
Crush those polynomials

I'll try. see yah


So, uh, we don't actually end up watching a movie.

Not my fault, okay? She's stressed and tired and we haven't seen each other since the weekend so we, you know. Make-out a little.

It's good stress relief, you know? Something like that. Her hands in my hair, my tongue in her mouth, our chests pressing together.

I knew even before I kissed her that first time that I was screwed. I went out with a couple girls in high-school but nothing, no one, makes me feel the way she does.

I can't keep my hands off her.

She lets her head fall back and I graze my teeth along her pulse, press wet kisses to the soft, delicate skin covering her collarbone. She's making those little sounds that she makes, holding me, pressing close and I know we should take a breather but she feels too good right now. Five more minutes.

I skim my fingertips up her spine and she sighs, buries her head in the space between my neck and my shoulder, nuzzles her face there a little, squirming. "Luke, I want..."

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