Canada's Funniest Home Video #2

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Canada's Funniest Home Video #2

Fee aged 14 • Luke aged 16 • Darcy aged 18

"Candy Gram"


The week before Valentine's Day, Scarborough Meadows High School in Toronto always sold candy grams as a fundraiser for cancer research.

The candy grams were a generous plastic baggy of assorted candy and chocolate that cost $2 each and would be delivered to lucky students on Valentine's Day. People bought candy grams for their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, siblings, favourite teachers. They lined up at the table outside the cafeteria over lunch break to place their orders and fill out the cute pink-and-red note-tags that would get attached to the candy gram.

It was Ophelia's first year of high-school and she wanted to make her friends happy by surprising them with candy grams for Valentine's Day. Celine would get one, and Maya and Kayla. And Mrs. Jameson, Ophelia's English teacher, who she thought was literally the best teacher ever. Too bad Darcy graduated last year because she'd have gotten one for him, too.

Oh, and Luke. Of course, she'd buy a candy gram for Luke.

She grabbed a pen and quickly jotted down friendly messages on the candy gram notecards. Happy Valentine's Day, ❤️ Ophelia. Simple messages for Celine, Maya, and Kayla. Something a little more articulate and kind for Mrs. Jameson.

Except when it came time to write something for Luke, Ophelia's heart stuttered. Was it her fault that she had the world's most massive crush on him and he seemed to have absolutely no clue?

She heard that he had just broken up with Jaylene what's-her-face. Ophelia tried her hardest not to think about Luke's girlfriends, not to ask him about them, not to listen to anything anyone had to say about them. It just broke her poor heart into a hundred tiny pieces. Why couldn't he ever see her like that? Like someone who was smart and kind and beautiful and worthy of his love and affection?

So because there was like, no way to distill the passionate contents of her bursting heart into a simple two-sentence message, she simply wrote, Happy Valentine's Day, Luke. ❤️ Ophelia

She bet he was gonna receive dozens of candy grams from teammates and girls in his classes and his friends and everyone else, too. Hers might get lost in the sea of candy that would get delivered to him next week Wednesday. Oh well.

On Wednesday afternoon, Valentine's Day, the candy gram volunteers dressed up in red and pink and white and went around to each classroom carrying bins of deliveries. Ophelia wondered how many people might've thought of her when they were buying their candy grams. But really, there was only one person she wanted to receive one from. Only one person who really mattered.

Ophelia's science teacher paused their lesson about photosynthesis as the candy gram volunteers began to call out people's names to deliver the treats.

Apparently, organizing these candy grams was hard work. They had to buy and package the candy, then get print-outs from the school office of everyone's class schedule, tag the notes onto the candy bags, figure out what class everyone was in, sort all the candy into the right bins, and then deliver them to the classrooms. Maybe next year, Ophelia thought, she should volunteer and help them out.

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