Lumin Histoire

54 3 0

[ Era 684 - X17]

[ Destiny's POV ]


          The griffin flies over a lush green field; a strong cool breeze hits me in the face as the beast flies. Below are farm plots with scaly, lizard like humanoid people tending to them. They have long scaly tails that seem to match their hair color. I see women carrying babies on their backs wrapped in cloth.  Men are hard at work on crops, growing what seem to be vegetables, fruit, and livestock.

Some of them looked kind of normal, with no tails and just the ears and patches of colored scales were visible from this height. The griffin goes for a few more miles, then lands in front of the castle gates. As I get off, I can hear the sound of many people murmuring. Oddly enough I could hear their footsteps; I could hear them whisper to each other. The griffon spreads its wings wide then takes off into the clear blue sky.

 I turn around and see in the distance what appears to be crowd of people storming towards the castle gates.

"Aria quick, Head inside!"Titus yells from atop the staircase in front of the castle. He motions for me in his direction, as I run into his arms. His appearance changed greatly since I saw him last.

He wore a navy blue jacket that had the dragon emblem in the form of a silver pin on his chest. His outfit looked like something a fantasy rich person would ware. 

"Hey, Titus, what are all those people outside doing?"He rushed me inside as the guards closed the door behind us. They were in black armor with the same dragon emblem on their chest. It looked pretty cool to be honest.

Titus grabs my shoulders and brings me close to him. His sent overwhelmed me, he smelled good.

"Listen Aria, it's very important that you stay out of sight right now. If they caught a glimpse of you in this state..."

"Why, what's wrong?"As I turn my focus to the front entrance I get this strange feeling in my ear, I can hear all the people shouting my name, banging on the gates, and demanding to know whats happening. The sensation came in the form of a whisper; I can't hear them that clearly but clear enough. 

"Ow, Titus, my ear. What's happening?"My eyes zoom in on his face, I can see his pores, the fine wrinkles on his smooth clear skin, I can see the fluctuation of color in his deep blue eyes. I kneel down in pain, covering my face.

"Oh no, this is a bad idea, Why did I listen to Parus?"  He turns to a group of 3 men who look like politicians, in black cloth jackets, similar to the uniform Titus was wearing. They had pointed ears and patches of colored scales on their bodies, like Titus. When they talked I could see their sharp teeth. That got me thinking, moving my tongue around in my mouth got me scared for a minute.

"What did you say?"One of the men says. He's an older man, looks around 60. Snow white hair and bright blue eyes. "The plan is almost complete. You dare interfere now?"

"I'll stall them, in the mean time you get her prepped and bring her outside when you're done."The younger man says. This one has black hair and a distinguishing handsome face, a beard, and hazel eyes. I couldn't find any visible scales to know what color he was.

"Titus whats going on! I demand to know this instant."This was frustrating. Not knowing what was happening, I shook Titus's arms off of me and stormed over to the throne and sat down, pouting like a child I admit. 

The third mystery man looked kinda sloppy. He looked like he was in his mid, 20s. He had wavy lime green hair that stood up, with the left and right half of his head shaved, with golden piercings on his ear. His uniform was a dark green. Apart from that it was the same as the others.

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