Rose Bush

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[ Era 684 - X27]

[ Serena's P.O.V ]

It's colder outside than usual. Aiden is back at the castle and the mornings are quiet. Ever since the Crystal Skull attacks Aiden has been super busy. He stays up late and wakes up early, heading straight to his study. I go up to the tower to see him but he always locks the door.

I haven't been paying attention in the mirror. Lately it's been hard feeling this way. Every night I go to sleep and feel the human part of me escaping. The universe feels bigger, and this world does to. I asked Lily, my handmaiden, if there were any good places to visit in the city while she was brushing my hair. I sat in a fancy chair in my room facing my mirror. She counted each stroke under her breath.

"Well, I do know of this one place. All the elves go there with friends and family to ride baby griffons and eat forest food." she said sweetly. She had long blonde hair, big pointy ears that stuck out wide, and a flower crown. She wore a long spring green v neck dress, matching green shoes and a lavender necklace. She was a very sweat girl, and I often saw men hit on her when she walked around the castle. Honestly I was jealous. I glanced in the mirror and watched her brush my hair.

My eyes were now as green as the forest and my hair was a pale beach blonde. "Lily, do you think I'm beautiful?" I ask sheepishly. I don't know why I was acting so insecure.

"W-What! Of course you are your highness! You're the prettiest, most beautiful elf in all the land." She chirps with a big smile. Why did I bother asking? Her voice is light and pretty so it's comforting talking to her.

"Are you so sure? I see the way men look at you. I'm jealous." I pout. Birds could be seen on the balcony outside my window. They were as big as hawks, but as gorgeous as any peacock and their song soothed the ears and it was nice to listen to while Lily brushed my hair. It was kind of funny because I could still hear her counting; she must have gotten to 100.

"Of course! Don't mind those morons you see." She put the brush down and looked at me through the mirror. I darted my eyes away from hers as she started braiding a single strand in my hair. She felt bad. "You know what; I know the perfect place for you." She hands me a hand mirror to see the back of my hair. 'I think my hair has gotten longer.'

"What kind of place?" I ask as I grab my small leather satchel and head out the door, I pull the strap over my shoulder. Lily walked with me down the hallway and out the door. I saw more men look down her chest and up her skirt as we walked past. She was a slender but fair sized woman, so it wasn't hard to believe that that was the build men liked here. 'Why am I so worried about my look?' Is it because Aiden as been ignoring me lately? Do I like him that much?

"Let's go the Bazar; a good shopping session will get your mind off of boys." She grabs my arm and leads me through the busy streets. The houses here were small and handmade looking. The people seemed calm and the landscape looked as nature should, beautiful. There were a lot of trees planted in the city so it looked a little like a big town.

We make it to the Bazar, a huge shopping district selling things ranging from weapons to food, to clothes. Lily sets her sites on a pretty necklace and zooms in, dagger me along. I tried staying focused on the shopping, for her, but for some reason I could stop observing. Al these people huddled up in one big area. Men would connately stair and look her way, leaving me out of the equation all together.

"H-Hey Lily?" I ask, looking around.

"Yes my queen?" She doesn't raise her voice despite the big crowd.

"How come no one notices me? I mean, I like that this city is calm, but it's till weird." I rub my arm in embarrassment and look at her with puppy dog eyes. She couldn't help but giggle.

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