Dear Nikita

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[ Era 684 - X28]

[ Nikita's POV ]

Cold. Empty. Alone.

Words to describe myself right now based on what happened last night the event is now seared in my head. My heart's been aching ever since plus the additional pain about my birthday being their death day can it get any worse. I didn't even go to sleep instead I locked myself in my father's studies. It was that bad I send a letter to Aria asking her for help or advice on the situation.

Sitting in the chair and staring into the abyss of nothingness till the sunrise and the rays of light dragged me back to reality it was miserable. I sigh in despair. Soon something catch my eye, it was a navy blue book with the design of gold angel wings and a note tape to it. Picking it up the note it read

'Nikita if you need anything please let us know. Take care. The Elders' Placing the note down I bring the book closer to me. Opening the book there was another note inside when I started reading it I notice the handwriting was written beautifully and the paper itself was old. Adjusting myself closer to the desk I got myself comfortable and began reading.

'Dear Nikita if you're reading this it means your mother and I have passed and you have returned now ruling Kiluna. This book was kept safe by the Elders and was requested to give it to you when the time is right. Any questions you had or still do the answers are in this book. Keep it safe Nikita. Love-'

"Father?" He wrote this for me. My father wrote this for me! At this moment my curiosity overcame the pain I had. This book has all the answer to the questions in my head and this time I'm determine to get what I want. Only a few pages later I realize it was his journal. I've been reading for what seems like hours the way he wrote in his journal it was enticing.

I've always been notice by my teachers on the essays I write, I guess I now know who I got it from. Some pages were interesting other had some tragic but what brought a smile to my face was the part he met my mother. My mother was the princess while my father was a middle class working man. They met when the kingdom was throwing a festival on a lunar eclipse. He wasn't much of a party person but he went because one of his friends convinced him to go. As the festival was going on his friend left him to go dance and without looking he bumped into her.

He apologized and helped her up and when they made eye contact they knew they're linked together. After the event she would come to his job (secretly) and they would spend the day together. My mom even turned down some wealthy prince from somewhere just to be with him. Her parents disapprove of it but they realize the prince was pretending to have interest only to become king and enslave everyone in Kiluna and let humans rise.

Blood rush through my cheeks when I got into some chapters that were very explicit *cough* major sex details *cough*. I was so in the book I didn't realize the knockings on the door until...

*Knock Knock* "Queen Nikita? Are you in there?" My heart froze to the voice. No... Not him. I have to get out of here now! Come on Nikita think, just find an escape route and run as far away from here as possible. Grabbing the book I go to the darkest corner and hide there. Fuck, out of everyone why do I have to deal with this problem? I don't want to see him. I need to get away from here.

"Someone please get me out of here." I whispered and suddenly purple smoke appeared from nowhere hovers over me and consumes me. When it died down the scenery changed I wasn't in the room or Kiluna anymore, I'm at a grass field with a waterfall.

"What the fuck?"

"I'm sure you're surprise. But you did call for help." I turn to see elder Raven standing near the waterfall. I sigh in relief and let my knees collapse while clutching to the book close to my chest.

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