Crystal Skull

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[ Era 684 - X22 ] 

[ Serena's POV ]

The sun has just barley risen over the horizon on yet on other day in the kingdom of Sideralace. This time I was in town. With just a simple summer dress on, well I guess for a wealthy girl this was anything but simple but I still like to think it was. Two guards walked through town with me.

'I wish Aiden was here' But he had other things to tend to in the castle.

Children ran around playing with sticks and rocks. Not as fake swords like human children, but as fake wands with magic. The people here seemed pristine and entitled. I felt like there were two sides to an elf. One side was peaceful and earth loving, while the other side hated the world for not being them expecting everything to be handed to them, us, on a silver platter.

I wanted to talk to Aiden about it but you know... I've bothered him enough.

"Your Majesty we should head back to the castle. It's not safe this far away." One guard says in a worrying tone.

"It's fine, this entire kingdom is my home. I can handle it. Please, let's walk a little further." Being outside the castle felt nice, I felt peaceful. Don't get me wrong it's a big place and all, but outside the castle walls I just feel so free. Before I could finish soaking in the beauty of the landscape around me, a bloodcurdling scream could be heard nearby.

"There my queen, around the corner." He says as they both lead the charge. It was coming from someone's house. Their lawn was pretty, full of tulips and roses and the house, like all the other houses here, had a colonial feel. But something felt off. I sensed the aura of the home and all I felt was darkness and chaos.

"Queen Serena stay back, we'll handle this!" They screamed as they stormed into the house. I want to help, I want to do more. But I'm afraid my magic will spiral out of control like last time.


"Ok Serena just shoot a thin mea like last time." Aiden said holding up a wooden target up in front of him. He went into a defensive stance. I shot at him with my wand, a thin twisted magic oak wand with a tiny little leaf at the top. Aiden says because my magic is too unpredictable, I must channel my power through a tool.

I pointed at the target, standing a fair distance away. The thin blue beam hit the second outer circle on the target, and that's when it happened.

It started shaking violently. "Ow, my hands!" Aiden screamed, tossing it on the ground. He held his hands in pain. Revealing severe strange purple burn marks on his palms.

"Aiden I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Before I could finish, the target exploded in a blast that looked cosmic. With strange sparks of golden, and space colored dust. The blast scorched the grass around it, and Aiden rived in pain on the ground. He went home after that, to his real home in the city.

~End Flashback~

That was a few days ago. We didn't have another lesson for after that. I felt so guilty it hurt. My romantic points with him probably dropped.

'I hope he's not mad at me...No, I'm not going to let anyone walk all over me, telling me what to do like a mere child. I'm the elf queen; I can handle this trivial matter myself.'

Annoyed, I slowly walk into the house; screams of the guards could be heard coming from upstairs. I rush in the living room from the hallway to find blood splattered on the floor with two sets of hands on the couch. I cover my nose to avoid smelling the strong smell of blood, and rotting flesh.

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