The New Me

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[ Era 684 - X18]

[ Aria's POV ]

It was early morning, and sun had just risen. Two guards stood posted outside my door. Wearing edgy black dragon themed armor made of this shiny chrome like material. They stood there, gossiping about my whereabouts.

"Did you hear?" One guard says.

"No... what?" The other asked. They spoke in hushed tones. Afraid to wake me, thoughts of a sleeping beast ran through their heads.

"I heard the queen has been asleep for days."

"Nah that can't be. My cousin over in the library told me it was around a few weeks."

"Your both wrong, she hasn't been around for months, well outside anyways. Didn't you hear the news?" A maid from around the corner chimed in while she was moping the halls.

"Heard what Ellie?"

She stops moping and comes up to them. "Last three months ago there was a huge flash of light during the nationwide festival in the light goddess's name, and there was this huge burst of light in the sky, followed by a thin beam just over the mountains horizon."

"Whoa, wait so what does that mean exactly?" They began to whisper softly to each other... Remembering that their queen was still sleeping.

"It means that someone used the suem portal to switch worlds!" she quietly yelled with enthusiasm.

"But the suem portal can only be used by dragons, and it normally doesn't flash like that." one guard looked around the corner to make sure they weren't being overheard. Punishment for them fooling around was much more serious.

Ellie continued, wiping cleaner off her hands and onto her apron. "It means that someone from the royal family used the portal, it could also mean that the crown is hiding something. Why else would the castle go dark for months on end and our queen comes back smelling weak and frail. Something is happening and the city isn't pleased."

They conspired and gossiped for around ten more minutes before I stared to hear them. My eyes were still closed but the sound of their voices was clear. I was still under the effects of the sandman's spell so I wasn't paying attention to what it is they were saying. All I know is that it wasn't good.

The sunlight from the outside filled my room. It felt warm and pleasant, yet bright and beautiful. I got up to brush my teeth but banged my foot on my bed frame instead. Cursing to my bathroom I brush my teeth then head out the door. The guards gasp and kneel to the floor, the maid follows suit.

"Your Majesty your awake!" The guard says with his muffled voice, face practically touching the floor.

I rub my eyes from the excessive amount of light entering the castle. It was nice. There didn't seem to be any curtains around so the castle had a much lighter feel. Given its true nature, I'm glad it can be perceived as a happy place. "What time it?" I ask one of the guards. They stand up at the ready.

"It's almost noon your majesty." The maid stands as well, nervously copying the guards form.

"Would you like me to take you to the dining room your majesty, I'm sure the chef will prepare you his finest meal." I look down at my pajamas. Light pink silk shirt and matching pants, with cute dinosaur slippers, seems kind of childish but I didn't care, they were cute. Following the maid I head down the stars, past the throne room and into the dining room. A big dark wood table with a serpentine dragon lined the border. The chairs matched with dragon heads at the end of each arm. I get presented with a plate of food, I haven't seen before. Eggs of a mysterious animal and other fruits as well. After breakfast I stand up and notice the kitchen staffs line the walls of the room, the chef at the entrance bowing while his staff kneels on the floor. That's when it hit me.

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