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[ Era 684 - X17]

[ Serina's POV ]

As the huge golden gates started to open I felt this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. What if the people don't accept me? What if they don't like me and I'm not what they expected. All these thoughts crossed my mind as Aiden lead us inside kingdom walls.

"Are you excited?" Aiden turned and asked me.

"Sort of..." I was unsure. I didn't know if I should be happy or nervous. As we rode into a stone tunnel, all I could hear was the sound of trumpets, and horns. They grew louder and louder until the sound of cheering and clapping overpowered them all.

"Serina! Serina!" The crowd kept repeating over and over again as we rode through the city.

"Wow, I hope I get a welcome like this." Destiny looked around in amazement. Crowds of people are gathering all through the town. We could see mothers and their kids get out of their houses and join the crowds as they cheered for me.

"Everyone is happy that the Crescent Occupation has returned to the land of Valyore." Damien says while getting off his horse.

"What's that?" I look up at Aiden. His hair gets in my face as the wind blows stronger and


"It's the name of your alliance with Asteasia and Kiluna. Your alliance with them, to the people, is a symbol of your friendship towards one another. It gives the people hope that the world can be at peace." After about ten minutes of riding he turns around to talk. "Are you ok? You've been quiet?" He slows down the horse to stare at me with his sharp green eyes.

"I'm fine...I'm just overwhelmed that's all." My cheeks turn red as I rest my head on his back. His leather coat surprisingly cool and comfortable.

Forty five minutes go by Aiden elegantly gets off his horse and helps me off.  I couldn't help but stare at his long golden blonde hair flowing in the cool windy breeze. He smiles at me with his devilishly handsome face. I don't want to but I fear that I might be falling for him. 'Shut up!' I tell myself. My face turns red.

"Come now, this way." Aiden and the boys walk up the stairs and to the palace door. Aiden reaches into his pocket and pulls out a large elegant silver key and unlocks the palace door. We walk inside and stand in awe at the beautiful marble floors, the fancy paintings, and the lavender painted walls.

"Wow, this place is amazing. " Tiana says, amazed. I walk around the room, admiring all the

paintings. Destiny slowly makes her way towards the throne. A thin silver tiara with golden leaves in the middle spread out like wings, sat on the seat. Destiny slowly reached her hand to touch such the magnificent piece of jewelry when..

"Don't!" Aiden yelled. His face started to turn red from anger.

"Don't you dare touch the sacred tiara, something so sacred shouldn't be soiled by"

He caught himself then took a deep breath.

The others looked at him in shock like he was an alien. Destiny stood back in fear, afraid that he might strike her. He rushed over and altered the position of the crown.

"Forgive me Aria, I misspoke, punish me if you must. I was just startled..." He kneeled down and bowed his head in shame. We looked at him in shock but the boys remained unfazed.

"It's ok." Destiny began, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"I forgive you." He got up, dusted off his jeans and bowed in acknowledgement. Damien headed to the door.

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