Part 32

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Hi All!! This is a shorter chapter, but I hope you all enjoy it!

Please let me know what you think. Leave me a comment and please vote.


Sophia's Point of View

"Sophia, you did a great job," Laura exclaimed after she finished looking over the wound, "You did everything I would have done. You had a good teacher!"

"Thank you, Sophia," Adelita said quietly, "I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"You are very welcome," I said with a small smile, "I'm glad we could help you."

Just then the baby started to fuss and all of us turned to look at him. I could feel Adelita and Laura's eyes focus on me as I watched Diego throw his tiny fists in the air. My heart yearned to have a baby of my own one day and in that moment it made me sad to think about. There was only one person I ever imagined maybe starting a family with someday and that was Angel. Now I wasn't sure if that would ever happen.

"Hey, I'm going to head out," Laura said to me, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek, "I have a patient to check up on at the hospital and then I have a date with Coco. I'll check up on both of you later."

"Have a great night," I said with a wave.

"Do you want to hold him?" Adelita asked after Laura left the room.

All I could do was nod my head as I turned to smile at her.

"Go ahead," she said quietly with a smile.

I got up off the floor and sat down on the couch beside the bassinet and carefully lifted the beautiful boy into my arms. Despite how much it hurt me to think about, there was no denying that Adelita and Angel made beautiful babies. His big brown eyes sparkled just like his mother's and his cheeks were so pudgy and round. It was incredible to me how quickly my heart filled with love for this little guy in my arms. The tears welled up in my eyes as I was immediately overcome with emotion. I bit my bottom lip while Diego waved his little fists around and gazed happily up at me. All the war and dangers surrounding this child and yet he knew more love than most of us will ever know in our lifetime.

"He loves you Sophia," Adelita said quietly as she watched us from her spot on the floor.

"I'm sorry," I said as I looked up from Diego. Her comment had confused me.

"Angel...he loves you," Adelita said, pointedly, "Something broke inside of him when I got captured, Sophia. I know that because Coco told me. Coco also told me that you changed Angel while I was gone. You taught him how to love again. Angel told me how hard he fought against what he felt for you because he didn't want to give up on me, he didn't want to give up on our little family. He could only fight it for so long before it became impossible."

I held Diego close to me and I smiled slightly as he little hands found my hair and began to play with it. I tried to let what she had said sink in, but I was confused.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked quietly as my eyes locked on hers.

"Because he hasn't been the same since the day you broke up with him," she replied, "I understand why you broke up with him, but if the last month has shown me anything, it's that Angel's heart belongs to you. I know he loves me because of Diego, but it isn't the same as it was before everything happened and it will never be the same. He has tried to reach out to you repeatedly and he hasn't given up yet, despite the constant rejection. I thought that maybe if you heard it from me you would realize that he never set out to hurt you and all he desperately wants is a second chance."

The tears fell freely down my cheeks at that point. I leaned against the back of the couch with Diego laying on my chest and I just let the tears fall. I hadn't realized that Angel had been just as heartbroken as I had been this whole time. I honestly thought that he had been trying to make it work with Adelita, but in reality, he had been devoting his time to the club and being the best father he could be to Diego.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped, Sophia," Adelita said, "I just wanted you to know the truth."

Just as I was about to give her a feeble response, Angel walked into the room. His eyes instantly locked on me and his eyes glassed over at the sight of me holding his child. I could tell by the way his jaw tightened and clenched that he was fighting the emotions, trying to push them back.

"How did it go?" Angel asked after a moment, "Is everything ok?"

"It went as good as it could under the circumstances," I replied as I stood up from the couch and started rocking Diego in my arms, "I've got some antibiotics and pain meds in my bag. She needs to take two antibiotics every six hours and the pain meds every four to six hours depending on how she is feeling. Someone needs to keep an eye on the wound overnight and if it starts to ooze, you need to call me. Either me or Laura will be here tomorrow morning to check up on her and make sure everything looks ok."

"You're amazing, Soph," he mumbled while resting his hand on my shoulder, "Thank you so much for doing this. I am more grateful than you know."

I smiled up at him as I walked back over to the bassinet and set Diego down.

"Angel, do you have a minute?" I asked as I looked down at Adelita. She winked and smiled subtly.

"Yeah, absolutely," he replied as he led me down the hall to what I could only assume was Diego's bedroom.

Once the door was closed I looked at Angel who was standing on the other side of the room, making a conscious decision to keep his distance. Despite how tall he was, he reminded her of a smile child in that moment. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his hair was dishevelled. I could see in his eyes just how sad he really was and it broke me. I wanted to pull him into my arms and somehow take all of his pain away.

"I won't keep you long," I said quietly, my voice cracking slightly, "I just...Hank won't be home if you can...or if you want to...would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I'll cook and we can talk."

"I would love that," Angel replied, "Taza and Creeper are coming out to relieve me tonight so I'm free."

"Ok, perfect," I replied, "How about seven?"

"Sounds great," Angel said with a small smile, "I'll bring the beer."

I smiled. There was the old Angel we all knew and loved.

"I'll see you tonight," I stated, "I have to get going so I can get things for dinner."

"Pop might have something at the butcher shop for you, if you want," Angel suggested as I made my way to the door, "Only if you want to though."

"I'll go see your dad," I said with a small wave as I closed the door behind me.

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