Part 26

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Hey All!

I really struggled with this chapter. I don't know why, but it was hard for me to capture what I was going for in this one. I still don't think I really captured what I wanted to.

Please let me know what you think. Please vote and leave me comments.

I think the rest of the story will flow nicely.

Again, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!


Angel's Point of View

It was a perfect evening outside and I was anxious to see Sophia. I hoped everything would go perfectly despite the little time I had to put everything together. Coco and I were waiting outside my apartment by our bikes waiting for Sophia and Laura to arrive and I could barely contain my excitement.

"Bro, you're like a little kid on Christmas Eve," Coco said with a laugh, "I've never seen you this excited."

"Well, I've never felt like this before," I stated, "Sophia is different from every other woman out there. She actually sees me for who I am. She sees the real me and that didn't stop her from falling for me. Sophia is the real deal."

"I'm glad you're finally seeing what we have all been seeing for the last two years," Coco said with a laugh, "Sophia has been crazy about you for so long and it killed me every time you pushed her aside. She tried so hard to move on and make it work with EZ, but her heart could never let you go. Hurt her, Angel, and I'll kill you myself."

I really wanted to believe that he was joking but as soon as I looked over at him, I could tell that he wasn't. His look was serious as he pulled a cigarette out of his kutte and stuck it between his lips.

"Why didn't anything ever happen between you and Soph?" I asked curiously, "It's obvious that your feelings for her run a little deeper than you ever let on."

"I really care about her and at one point, a couple years ago, I wanted to be with her," Coco replied quietly, "but it was clear she never saw me the same way. It was always you, Angel. She only ever had eyes for you, so I left it alone."

To see Coco as vulnerable as he was at that moment was rare. He very rarely opened up and when he did it was only with people he trusted with his life. Aside from the club and Sophia, the list of people he trusted was short.

"What about Laura?" I asked after a moment, "I never saw that coming."

"Laura...was unexpected," Coco replied, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, "We're just having fun right now. Neither one of us is ready for anything serious. I wouldn't be opposed if she said she wanted something more, but for now we are just taking it one day at a time."

Just then Laura's white BMW turned into the parking lot and Coco instantly stood up straighter and threw his cigarette on the ground. I tried to stifle a laugh but was unsuccessful. He shot me a nasty glare before breaking into a smile that was unlike him.

Laura and Sophia got out of the car and my breath hitched in my throat. Sophia was gorgeous. Her green eyes glistened in the moonlight and her black hair hung in loose curls down her back. Her black jeans with holes in the knees hugged her curves perfectly and the flowing white tank top accentuated her olive colored skin. The smile that spread across her face when she saw me only made me fall for her more. I never really thought of myself as the marrying type, but when I saw her standing there, I was ready to marry her on the spot. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

A playful squeal brought me out of my thoughts. I turned and watched as Laura ran over to Coco and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Coco wrapped his arms tight around Laura as she crashed her lips against his. It was nice to see him so carefree. It had been awhile since I had seen him as happy as he was.

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