Part 36

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This is it, All!! The Final Chapter!

I started this story in October and it feels like such an incredible accomplishment to me!! 

This chapter is short, but I hope you enjoyed it!


A Couple Weeks Later

Angel's Point of View

It was a cooler day in Santo Padre as I pulled my bike into the cemetery. There were a few clouds in the sky but the sun was trying to shine through. It kind of resembled how I had been feeling lately. Life had been dismal, miserable even since Sophia had passed away, but at the same time the happiness tried to shine through. I couldn't really see what there was to be happy about, but every once in awhile I could feel it. It was like she was looking down trying to get me to focus on the good and not just the bad and sometimes I would. I would see Adelita with Diego in her arms and how happy he made her, or I would be holding Diego and he would swing his little fists around and let out a shriek of happiness. Those things would make me smile, but within seconds the guilt would wash over me for being happy when Sophia was gone and never coming back.

I set my helmet on the bike seat and lit a cigarette before making my way through the cemetery to where Sophia had been buried. I shook my head as I remembered a comment she had made a few months ago.

"If, for some reason you have to bury me, which I hope to God doesn't happen, bury me over by the look out over the river. I know my mom and Joseph have a family plot, but I don't want to buried there."

I just remember nudging her in the shoulder lightly and glaring at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you, baby girl?" I snapped, "Stop talking like that. You aren't dying anytime soon, you hear me?"

"Message received," she replied with a smile.

Without even realizing it, Sophia had foreshadowed her own death. I gave my head a shake as I took a long drag on my cigarette and let the smoke out slowly, enjoying the burning sensation in my lungs.

I finally got to her grave and I sat down beside it, pulling my knees up to my chest, laying my head on my arm. The tears fell freely down my face and I couldn't be bothered to wipe them away. I had been crying a lot these past weeks and I was surprised I had any tears left.

"Hey, baby girl," I whispered as I reached out and put my hand on her head stone, "I wish you were with me right now...I don't know how I make it through each day without you. Somehow I manage to pull myself out bed every morning, but it hurts like hell not seeing your beautiful smile when I open my eyes."

The day she sacrificed herself to save Adelita and my son flashed behind my eyes on a constant loop. It was something I could never unsee. I had always known that Sophia loved me. She showed me and told me every single day that we were together, even when we weren't dating she found ways to show me she loved me. It wasn't until that fateful day that I realized the enormity of her love for me. I've often heard people talking about making a grand gesture of love and her sacrifice was just that.

"I wish I could feel you and touch you," I mumbled, "I wish I could hear your voice and see your smile. I wish you were here with me."

It was like someone from above was listening to me. I could feel the sun beat down on my back as the clouds parted, slightly, in the sky. A small smile spread across my lips as I looked up at the sky and in that moment it was like I could feel Sophia's arms around me.

"Hey baby," I whispered to the sky, "I miss you so much."

"She will always be with you," Adelita said quietly from behind him, "Sophia was an amazing woman, Angel."

It didn't surprise me that she was there. Adelita came here often to be with Sophia. Even though they had only known each other for a short time, they were close friends by the end and Sophia's selfless act deeply impacted Adelita.

Adelita stepped forward and placed a bouquet of pink roses in the little flower holder.

"Hello sweetheart," she whispered as she rested her hand on the head stone and closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer.

After a moment she opened her eyes and then she sat down beside me, pulling her knees up to her chest. She looped her arm through mine and laid her head on my shoulder. Even though we weren't able to rekindle what we had before Sophia came into the picture, I still loved her with all of my heart. Adelita would always be a part of my life. Because of Diego, we would always be connected.

We sat there silently and soaked in the sunlight while it lasted. We both felt comforted at the thought of Sophia being the sunlight.

I didn't know what was in store for me now that Sophia was gone, but I did know that she wouldn't want me to waste my life by mourning her forever. She would want me to pick myself up and go on living my best life, even if my best life was with the club. She never thought any less of me because of my affiliation with the club because it was what she knew as well.

"We won't be broken forever," Adelita whispered as she looked up into my eyes, "Someday our broken pieces will be put back together."

I smiled down at her as a single tear fell down her cheek and kissed her softly on the forehead.

"We're going to be ok," I whispered as I looked back up at the sky, finally feeling a sense of peace wash over me, "We're going to be ok."


Please leave me some comments to let me know what you thought overall. Don't forget to vote!

Also, I left some loose ends, because there is a possibility of me writing a second part. Please let me know if you want to know what happens with Angel and his crew in the aftermath of Sophia's death.

I thank you all for reading.

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