Part 35

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Coco's Point of View

The rage was flowing through my body as I stormed into the house and down the hall to the living room. Sure enough, Adelita was standing by the front window looking out into the field, her body shaking with fear.

"What the hell happened?" I screamed at Adelita, causing her to jump. My hands were shaking uncontrollably as I held them at my sides.

"I don't know, Coco," she replied as tears streamed down her face, "I have no idea who it was or how they found me. It was one of Potter's men, that much I'm sure of. I know he wants me dead. Angel shot the guy down in the field. I don't know if he killed him or not, but you could start there..."

It was wrong and it was selfish, but part of me wished it was Adelita that had been shot to death. She was the one they were after. Sophia had just been an innocent bystander. Sophia didn't deserve this. I gave her a quick nod, trying to push the horrible thought to the back of my mind, and then I grabbed my gun off the counter and took off outside.

All I could see was red as I made my way out into the field in the direction that the shots would have come from. I searched for a couple minutes before noticing the semi-automatic rifle laying on its side on the ground. There were puddles of blood beside it. This was where the son of bitch was when Angel shot him down. The gunman was wounded and that meant that he couldn't have gotten far.

I followed the trail of blood and it eventually veered off to the left a little bit and that's where I found the sniper, sitting up against a tree. Angel had great aim, considering he shot quickly and without focus. The sniper had been shot in the right shoulder and in the lower abdomen. Guaranteed, he would bleed out, if I didn't kill him first. Lucky for him, I was about to end his pain early.

"How many of you were there?" I asked calmly. The sniper didn't respond. He didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Listen to me when I'm fucking talking to you," I screamed as I knelt down in front of him and looked him in the eye, holding the barrel of my gun under his chin, "How many of you were there?"

"Two...two of us," the guy replied urgently, "The other guy fled the moment he realized we hit the wrong person."

"Lucky for him," I growled, "You, not so much! Be happy it's me because the guy whose girlfriend you just killed wouldn't be as nice."

I stood up and moved my gun to the top of his head and emptied the bullets into him without batting an eye. I looked at his body for a moment before I put the gun back in its holster. This wasn't over by any means, but it would have to do for now.


EZ's Point of View

I rode onto Adelita's property with Laura tucked comfortably behind me, not knowing what to expect. All I knew was what Hank and Bishop told me. Something horrible had happened out at Adelita's and we had to get out there immediately and we had to bring Laura. I didn't ask any questions and just did as I was told. I called Laura and when she got to the scrap yard we went on our way. I assumed something happened to Adelita and Sophia required her assistance. I was wrong...

I had seen some pretty horrific things since I became a Prospect for the Mayans, but nothing compared to what I saw when we got to Adelita's with Bishop and Hank leading the way. Coco was sitting in the dirt, arms resting on his knees, head hanging low, tears streaming down his face, and blood on his hands. Angel was beside him. There was blood everywhere and he was holding a lifeless form in his arms. His forehead was pressed against hers and his body was shaking violently with each sob that escaped from his throat. The sight tore me apart.

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