Part 29

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Angel's Point of View

"Do you love her?" EZ asked as I walked passed the side of the clubhouse.

I looked over at him as he took a long sip of his beer. I ripped the bottle out of his hand and threw it against the wall in frustration, watching it shatter into a million pieces. I shook my head and tried to avoid EZ's gaze.

"What are you talking about?," I spat, "Why does it even matter?"

"I'll tell you why it matters, Angel," EZ retorted as he made his way over to me, "Sophia is the best thing that ever happened to you. Actually, she is the best thing that has happened to both of us. However, she chose you. She loves you, Angel and I have to be ok with that. So let me ask you you love her? Are you all in?"

I furrowed my brow in anger as a single tear fell from my eye and I shoved my hands in my pockets, glaring at EZ. Everything that happened in the last several months was boiling inside of me and I was about to unleash a shitload of wrath on my baby brother.

"My family, Adelita and Diego, they're home, EZ," I yelled as I grabbed my brother by the collar of his kutte and pushed him up against the wall, "Adelita and my child. I've missed three months of his life. I didn't know if they were dead or alive and I was over here playing fucking house with Hank's daughter! Yes, EZ, I am in love with Sophia, so much it tears me up inside, but when I saw Adelita today, I felt like the worst fucking person alive. How could I just move on without knowing whether or not they were ok?"

"Go ahead brother," EZ said, "hit me if you need too."

I had him pinned up against the wall when a slight movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. EZ and I both turned our heads and saw Sophia standing there with tears streaming down her face. She looked at EZ for a moment and then glanced at me before she turned and disappeared back into the clubhouse.

"I'm not going to fucking hit you," I snapped as I let go of EZ, "I have to go and try and fix this."

I let my brother go and made my way inside. The door slammed behind me and I looked over at Hank and Coco who were sitting at their usual table. "Sophia?" They both pointed to the back of the clubhouse towards the office. I made my way to the office and let myself in without knocking and closed the door behind me.

"So what was the last three months to you? A fucking joke?" Sophia snapped, not wasting any time, "I was a fool to believe that you actually loved me. What was that today? Why didn't you tell me Adelita was back?"

"The last few months have not been a joke to me, Sophia, not by a long shot. I think you may have missed the part where I told EZ I was in love with you," I answered, trying not to lose my cool, "Like I told EZ earlier today, I had no idea Adelita was back. Her return was just as much as surprise to me as it was to you. That kiss you saw, it meant nothing. She felt awful about it once I told her about you and me."

The way she was looking at me was intimidating and incredibly sexy. Sophia was hurt and angry, but at the same time I could sense that she wanted me as bad as I wanted her. I watched her as she struggled internally with everything she was feeling in that moment. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other. Her fists were clenched tightly at her sides. Her jaw was clenched as she swayed back and forth. She breathed in and out deeply, her chest rising and falling.

"You can't just ignore this, Angel," Sophia snapped in frustration, "I see the way you're looking at me and just so you know, sex won't make this go away. What exactly did you mean when you told EZ that you were playing house with me? Was everything a lie? Did I step right into your trap? What the hell was all of this to you?"

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