Part 21

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Sophia's Point of View

It had been three days since Angel had confessed his love for me and kissed me. It had also been three days since I spoke to Angel and EZ. I had been avoiding the clubhouse and hiding out at Hank's place because I wasn't ready to face them yet.

I sighed heavily as I pushed myself up from the couch and trudged into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

"Morning sweetheart," Hank said, causing me to jump out of my skin.

"Jesus, Hank," I mumbled, "I thought you left already."

It was taking me awhile to get used to calling him dad and so far I had just resorted to calling him Hank. It didn't seem to bother him, though, which I appreciated. I was positive it would come with time.

"I told Bishop I was going to be late today," Hank replied, "I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" I asked innocently. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat down beside Hank. I knew what he wanted to talk about I wasn't feeling very eager to talk about Angel and EZ.

"Over the last couple months it's been pretty obvious how close you have gotten with Angel and EZ," Hank commented, "Which is fine, but I noticed some tension between you and them. Is everything ok? Did they hurt you? Do I need to intervene?"

I smiled at him before taking a small sip of my coffee. It was endearing to see him fall into the father role so well. He was trying to protect me and do right by me and I loved him for it.

"Please don't intervene," I replied quietly, "It's ok and I am ok. Neither one of them has hurt me. Confused me, maybe, but they would never hurt me intentionally. I'm just keeping my distance. I have a lot to think about and spending time with them right now would just make things more complicated for me."

"Sophie, I'm sure I sound like a broken record but you know how I feel about you and club members..." Hank said, approaching the topic cautiously, "This isn't the life I want for you."

"I know, Hank," I replied, "but I believe it was you that told me sometimes we really can't control who we fall for. Unfortunately, I have fallen for two and now I'm screwed. I know what this life entails and if I do end up with one of them, I know what I'm getting myself into."

"Well, I guess you could do worse than EZ or Angel," he said with a laugh, "but I can understand why you are keeping your distance for now."

"What are your thoughts on Angel and his feelings towards me?" I inquired.

"He's scared shitless, Soph," Hank replied, "There is no denying that he cares about you very much, but he would never say it out loud...unless he has and that's why you're so confused..."

I leaned back in my chair and snickered quietly before taking another sip of my coffee. Not only did I feel confused about his confession, but I was also angry with him. Angel's timing couldn't have been worse.

"I guess you could say that..." I mumbled.

I saw Hank tense up at my response and I couldn't help but grin at him.

"He kissed me, Hank and he chose the night I found out you were my dad to confess his feelings for me. His timing wasn't ideal."

"And EZ?" he asked, "What is going on with him?"

"We just took our relationship to the next level,," I stated, "I've pushed them both away because I don't want to be that know...the girl that falls for two brothers. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, so I'm keeping my distance."

"Sweetheart, you will make the right choice for you," Hank replied, "Just go with your gut...or your heart. Those two things don't usually lie."

"Thanks," I said with a smile, "Now go, Bishop's waiting for you. I'll be there shortly."

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