ƒσմɾϯεεη 14: ɾσɓψη

591 16 1

I woke up hearing my name being called, "ROBYN"

I slowly got up and walked out of the room. Tristan was in the middle of the hall way screaming my name.

"WHER—-" his eyes was now connected with mines. He walked towards me, but I stopped him.

"Baby what's wrong" he said all confused

"What's wrong? You don't love me any more you called me out of name and trashed up this house"

"W-what" He said.

"And am leaving"

"Robyn you can't be serious now" he said trying to hug me.

"Yes I am Tristan get out my way"

"Where you going with my seed?"

"Away from you I don't want my child to turn out like you" I said going inside my room packing my stuff up.

Tristan came in front of me and snatched the bag out of hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, why you doing this?!"

"Don't you remember, am leaving bc you hurt my feelings and trash up the house and had female in here" I cried.


"Bye Tristan" I grabbed another bag. "Wait hol on you mad bc I had a party and I disrespected you—am sorry baby" he says.

"Thanks for the apology but I can't be with you if ur doing this while am pregnant" I said.

"Am sorry I won't do it again, but please don't leave" he begged. "To late" I said.

"What Baby am sorry it's only one time thing" he says. "I don't care, I want to get away now" I complained.

3 hours later

I was at Rhianna house, I just needed to be away from Tristan. I guess thugs are dangerous. I mean he yelled at me and called me a bitch, which he knows that am very sensitive about my feelings.

Rhianna gotten me cookies n cream ice-cream. I sat on her bed. I told her what happened and she was next to me and hugged on to me while we was watching naked by marlon Wayne.

"Aww baby it's okay" she rubs my back. "I don't think I can go back to him, my parents warned me about thugs"

"At least he's different, y'all been the bestest friends that could be friends that long and date" she had the worst advice but at least she was there for me.

I sobbed some more, all we did was lay back and sleep.

5 hours later

I woke with no Rhianna next to me. I went to the bathroom and threw warm water on my face.

I stare at myself for like 3 minutes and then my phone rang.

I walked over and picked it up.

"Hello" I said without looking at the ID number.

"Yes, this is Houston Methodist hospital your husband had gotten injured we would like to know if you can make it?" The nurse line asked.

I was shocked, "u-u-ummm will he be okay" totally not even answering her question.

"Mam'am he gotten shot and he's in surgery right now, so the perfect time to see him will be 8 o'clock" she says.

"Okay I'll be there" I said

"Okay see you then" she said.

"Okay bye"

"Bye bye" I hung up. Then I put my phone down. Rihanna bust in with out knocking.

"Girl wa—" she was cut off by the look on my face. "Aww whats wrong" she said coming towards me.

"It's t-t-Tristan"

"What happened with Tristan"

"He's in the hospital"


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