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The Killjoys — well, what was left of them — decided to rename themselves. They were known as The Kids From Yesterday.

While they had taken down the leader of BLIND, the government was still after them. Little did they know, the government had been hunting for people who were still alive.

When they found people, they'd ship them off to Russia and brainwash them. The government didn't want anyone in the US; they wanted to start new.

Once the survivors were brainwashed enough, they'd get sent back to the US — which they were planning on remodeling — to live a new life.

The Kids From Yesterday were constantly on the run, just like before. This time they had more fun doing it. They knew the government needed them alive, so they weren't so worried about being murdered.

They stole a car and spray painted it beyond recognition. Helena spray painted a spider on the hood, while Weekes spray painted 'Look Alive, Sunshine' on the back.

Their main plan was just to keep running and never stop. Well, until they found a secure enough place to hide from the government. Helena had some plans.

Mike and (Y/n) stayed together through it all. Sure, they had their arguments and pregnancy scares, but they stayed together. The two kids were madly in love, and nothing could change that.

They eventually did find a secure enough hiding place. The kids eventually made their way back to California, where they found Helena's old house and hid in her tree house.

The government didn't find them there. So, they remodeled the country and sent back the brainwashed people.

It was odd. Mike saw people he knew from school, but they were totally different. They had no knowledge of anything. Like robots.

The Kids From Yesterday decided to stick together. They knew they had to, so they'd conquer the new world together.

"This is so weird," Mike said, walking with (Y/n) through the mall.

"I know. Everyone is so lifeless," (Y/n) said, looking around at the people around them.

It was as if the color was drained from the world. The only color left was in them.

No one was kissing. No one was talking. No one was holding hands. People were just walking side by side in silence.

"It's creepy," Mike said quietly. He didn't want to seem too out of place.

"We should get back to the car," (Y/n) said. Mike and (Y/n) walked side by side to the car. Normally they'd walk hand in hand, but they didn't want to raise suspicions.

"Well, this fucking blows," Helena said. Her and Weekes were sitting in the front seats, smoking cigarettes.

"I saw people from my old school. Didn't even recognize me," Weekes said, sniffling. She was trying not to cry. Her sunglasses were hiding the tears in her eyes.

"I saw my parents," Helena said, her voice low. No one spoke as (Y/n) and Mike got in the back seat of the car.

"What do we do now?" Mike asked.

They couldn't raid people's houses anymore, so they had been living in the car. Occasionally crashing in hotels if they got enough money. Luckily, Helena and Weekes robbed a bunch of gas stations before the post-apocalypse era started. They racked up almost five thousand dollars. That should last them for a while.

While all of this seemed pretty bad, it wasn't too bad for Mike. He was in love. As long as he was with her, he didn't care what the circumstances were.

That's what it's like when you're in love. Most people don't get to experience pure and true love, but Mike was lucky.

A few years later, Helena died of a sniper attack by the government. They ditched the hotel they were in, and Weekes hung herself in her closet a few days after that. They also experienced pure and true love. They couldn't bare to live without each other.

Luckily, Mike and (Y/n) got to live together for a long, long time.

They were caught by the government when they were in their late twenties. The government killed them, but they died together. They died in each other's arms.

If Mike could take back anything from his experience, he wouldn't. Not in a heartbeat. That's what love does to a person.

The two kids watched the world disappear into nothing, but they did it together. They wouldn't change anything if they could.

After all, love makes you crazy.

𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 [𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now