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"So.. a government agency is after you because you found out what they were doing?" Hopper asked. The rest of our squad was inside of the house sitting on the floor.

Helena, Weekes, (Y/n), and Roxy were sitting on the couch.

"Basically, yeah," Roxy said with a shrug.

"This is bullshit. We're leaving," Hopper said with an eye roll. Everyone started to get up, but immediately sat down we heard a gunshot. Our heads snapped toward (Y/n), who was holding a gun spray painted green.

"If you leave... we'll have to kill you," (Y/n) said.

"Kill us? You've got to be kidding me," Hopper said.

"We can't let the information out," Weekes said, standing next to (Y/n).

"How do we know that this is even real? You could be crazy for all we know," Jonathan said. Helena walked up to him with a stone-cold look on her face. She held the barrel of her gun under Jonathan's chin.

"Don't call me crazy," she said, taking the gun away and putting it back in the holster.

"You just proved my point!" Jonathan yelled.

"Come on kids," Joyce said. We all turned to walk out before (Y/n) shot her gun at the ceiling again.

"No! No one is leaving. You may think we're crazy and you may be right, but we need your help. Better Living Industries killed our families. We don't want them to kill you too," (Y/n) yelled. The room fell silent and we all looked to the ground.

"I'm in," Dustin said, stepping forward.

"Me too," Max said, standing next to Dustin.

"So are we," Jonathan and Nancy said.

"Us too," Steve, Lucas, and Will said.

"And me," I said, stepping towards the rest of the group.

"Come on Hop," Joyce said, looking up at him. Hopper sighed and stepped forward.

"Us too," he said.

"Then it's settled. We're finding the BLIND agents and taking them down," Roxy said.

"Hands in," Lucas said. We all put our hands in the middle. (Y/n)'s hand touched mine. We locked eyes and smiled.

"Better Living on three. One... two... three," Helena said.

"Better Living!" We all exclaimed.

"It's getting late. Can we crash here?" Steve asked.

"Yep. There are five bedrooms and two beds in each, so some of you will have to share. We'll get some food while you guys shack up," Weekes said.

I followed the rest of the gang up the stairs to the rooms. Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy stayed in the room all the way at the end of the hallway. Steve, Dustin, Lucas, and Max stayed in the room across from theirs.

That just left me, Will, and the girls. I didn't know which room they were staying in, so I just guessed and walked into the room closest to the stairs.

"Since there are three extra rooms, we don't have to share," I said to Will. His face dropped for a split second before he nodded.

"Right. Yeah, okay," he said, walking into the room next to mine.

I entered the room and looked around. The walls were a drab shade of gray, and the beds were perfectly made. Almost like a hotel.

I spotted a (f/c) backpack on one of the beds, so I walked over to the other one and sat down.

𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 [𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now