the kids from yesterday

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"Alright, so we kill all of the BLIND agents, and then they'll stop hunting our asses and stop creating monsters. Let's do this," Weekes said, putting on a pair of goggles. She lead us up the ladder and through the manhole cover.

I was the last one up, so I made sure that no one was following us. The room we wound up in was empty, thank god.

"Oh shit," Helena said, walking over to the wall. The walls were covered in wanted posters. Some of them had all of us, while others had each of us individually. One had both Helena and Weekes on it.

"Ah, the Killjoys. I thought you'd be joining us," a Russian voice said. We all whipped around to see a bald man in a grey suit, with two generic looking BLIND agents next to him.

"Arnold Muntz. I thought I'd never have to see your ugly face again," Helena spat.

"And I thought I'd never get to kill you, but here we are," Arnold said.

"Yeah right. Good luck with that, asshole," Helena said, crossing her arms. Almost as if it was planned, Weekes held up two guns and shot both of the BLIND agents straight in the chest.

"Ah, very good aim, Rosie. Now it's time for phase two of my plan. Roxanne, if you please," Arnold said. Roxy, with an evil smirk, stepped forward and stood next to Arnold.

"You idiots. You should've known I would never quit my job at BLIND," she said evilly.

"You... you bitch!" Weekes yelled. Anger boiled inside me, and that's when I just snapped.

"Leave us alone you piece of shit!" I yelled. I grabbed the baseball bat from my backpack and ran towards Arnold and Roxy. Arnold shoved Roxy in front of him and ran out of the room, and I let all hell break loose.

I beat her with the bat until her face was unrecognizable. She was the reason for all of my pain. If she wasn't here, BLIND would've never been able to find us. My friends and family wouldn't be dead.

"Mike..." (Y/n) said softly. She walked over to me and wiped the blood off of my cheek with her thumb.

Suddenly, she was shoved to the ground. But no one was there to shove her. It was like there was an invisible person.

"What the hell...?"

I turned to my left to see a short bald girl with a hospital gown on. She had a stream of blood coming from her nose and an earpiece in her right ear.

"It's the bald chick!" Weekes yelled, jumping behind Helena.

(Y/n) stood up and the girl held her hand out in front of her, causing (Y/n) to fall down again.

"How the fuck is she doing that?!" I exclaimed, stepping backwards and standing next to Helena and Weekes.

"This is what I meant when I said they were experimenting on kids," Helena said, pulling a gun out of the holster wrapped around her waist. She slowly held it out in front of her, and the girl slowly raised her hand again.

The gun was shaking in Helena's hands as the girl used her powers to turn it around, facing Helena's face.

"Helena no!" Weekes yelled, smacking the gun out of her hand. The gun shot, shooting a bullet into the wall.

"Cause a distraction," Weekes whispered to me. I nodded and picked up the gun, tossing it at the girl's face. She let out a growl and turned her attention towards me, hurling random objects in my direction.

Weekes pulled out her handgun from her backpack and shot it at the girl, the bullet landing right in her forehead. The girl fell to her knees and then collapsed, a pool of blood forming around her head.

I ran over to (Y/n), who was unconscious on the ground. She had some blood oozing from a cut on her forehead. Helena was on her knees with (Y/n)'s head in her lap.

"(Y/n). Come on kid, wake up," Helena said, shaking her slightly. (Y/n)'s eyes opened a bit as a pained moan escaped her lips.

"(Y/n)!" Weekes exclaimed, running over to us.

"Come on, please. Hey, hey. There's a time and a place to die. This ain't it," Helena said, shaking (Y/n) awake. (Y/n) slowly sat up, her eyes looking wildly across the room.

"Is the girl gone?" She mumbled.

"Yeah. Weekes killed her," I said.

"Awesome," (Y/n) said with a tired smile. I helped her stand up and we continued our mission. Helena grabbed the bloody blueprints from Roxy's backpack and lead us towards the center of the building.

"Arnold should be in here, the containment unit," Helena said.

"This is crazy," I muttered, following Helena out of the room. Weekes and (Y/n) walked after me, and we were off into the building.

On our mission to the containment unit, we had to go through three rooms. We lucked out – there weren't many agents in the rooms. The first room had two, but they were easy to take down.

When we walked in, they weren't paying attention. Helena and I shot them in the arm and kept moving. Easy targets. Weekes and (Y/n) were trailing behind us; (Y/n) kept falling in and out of consciousness.

She was fine, but just tired. She hadn't slept the night before, and getting slammed to the ground didn't help.

The second room didn't have any agents in it. It was a weapon arson, so we decided to gear up. As of then, we only had handguns and a baseball bat.

Weekes grabbed a small bazooka, I grabbed a rifle, Helena grabbed a flamethrower, and (Y/n) grabbed two bright red handguns. They had something on the side of them, but we didn't have time to test out our new tech.

We still kept our old handguns and baseball bat, but we knew that Muntz would have agents protecting him. We needed more firepower.

"Wait, guys," (Y/n) said. We turned around to face her, and she was holding a bulletproof vest. There was a rack behind her with more.

"Good idea, babe," I said with a smile, grabbing a dark blue vest. Helena grabbed a red vest, Weekes grabbed a black vest, and (Y/n) grabbed a (f/c) vest.

The third room we ventured into had a few agents that were already dead on the floor.

"That's funny. Have we been in here already?" Weekes asked, looking around. There were clear pods that had BLIND hazmat suits in them lining the walls.

"Man, I don't know. These rooms all look the same," (Y/n) said, rubbing her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I have a killer headache," she said quietly, holding her head in her hands.

"Here," I said, dropping to my knee and opening my backpack. I pulled out a small bottle of aspirin and a can of orange Crush.

"Thanks," she said, a light blush tinting her cheeks. She pulled out two of the pills and handed the bottle back to me.

"Guys," Helena said. We turned to her and Weekes, who were standing near a door. She looked up, and my eyes trailed to the sign above the door.


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