save yourself, i'll hold them back

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We arrived at, well, wherever the hell we were, a few hours later. Helena said we'd be using this day as a training day to prepare to fight against BLIND.

Honestly, I was excited. I hadn't used my guns in a while, and I could really use some target practice.

"Here, I forgot to give it back," Max said, handing me my small black handgun.

"Thanks," I said, sitting on a nearby tree stump. We were in the middle of nowhere. A field, to be more exact.

There were tree stumps everywhere; I think it was a forest at one point. There was a lot of wheat, but that's really it. Kind of boring, to be honest.

"Hey," (Y/n) said, walking over to me. She had a gun holster wrapped around her thigh, with a (f/c) spray painted handgun in the holster. She had a messenger back slung across her body, and cool goggles on top of her head.

"You look cool," I said, clearly impressed. She looked hot.

"Thank you, Mikey," she said, smiling. I stood up, placing my gun on the tree stump.

"What are we gonna do for training?" I asked, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Weekes and Roxy are making some targets. Meanwhile we can just, I don't know, shoot some cans or something," she said, kicking an empty beer can on the ground.

"The sky isn't that red over here," I said, looking up. You could almost see the normal sky through it, with hints of blue poking through some of the disgusting red cracks.

"I miss the sky," she said, looking up at the red clouds.

"Yeah. Me too. I miss a lot of normal things," I said.

"I never thought I'd miss trees with leaves on them," she said with a slight laugh.

The trees were all bare; the leaves rotted off or disintegrated into nothing. I turned to look at (Y/n), who was still looking at the sky. I admired every detail of her face. Her (e/c) eyes full of wonder, her (h/c) hair framing her face perfectly.

My eyes moved down to her outfit: a long sleeve black and (f/c) striped shirt layered with a Led Zeppelin shirt, a black pleated skirt, black tights, and black boots. She looked badass.

"What are you looking at?" She asked with a laugh.

"My beautiful girlfriend," I said.

"Feeling flirty today, are we?" She asked.

"I dabble in flirtation," I said with a cheeky smile.

"Hey! Stop serenading each other and get over here to train!" Hopper yelled. I turned around to see him about ten feet away, with the rest of our gang already training. Max and Joyce were doing target practice, while Nancy and Roxy were practicing kickboxing with Helena and Weekes.

"What should we do?" I asked, following (Y/n) to the training area.

"I think Helena has a bow and some arrows," she said with a shrug.

"That's completely useless in a fight," I said.

"No it isn't! Those arrows are sharp," (Y/n) said, walking over to Helena's messenger bag.

"Yeah, but since we have guns and all, it's just easier. Having to pull back the, uh, string part, is hard," I said.

"Hey Helena, where's your bow and arrows?" (Y/n) called. Helena walked over to the tree stump (Y/n) was at and looked around.

"I could've swore that I left them right here," she said, taking the messenger bag from (Y/n) and digging through it.

"Did anyone take Helena's bow and arrow?" I exclaimed.

"I haven't seen anything. Me and Joyce have been doing target practice," Max said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I have no idea where they went," Nancy said. Suddenly, a whoosh sound flew through the air, and an arrow was shot into Nancy's back. Her eyes widened as she fell to her knees and then crashed face first to the ground.

Before anyone could react, we were surrounded by BLIND agents in white bomb suits.

"How did they know where we were?" Helena mumbled. My hands shook as I hid behind (Y/n), who had her gun out in front of her. I had left my gun on the tree stump I was sitting on before, like an idiot.

The BLIND agents charged and bullets flew through the air.

"Mike!" Hopper yelled, tossing me a rifle. We all attacked the agents, but we were severely outnumbered. I saw Max get punched in the face and knocked out.

"Everyone, in the cars!" Joyce yelled. The Killjoys quickly ran to their car as me, Hopper, and Joyce ran to ours.

"What about Max and my sister?!" I exclaimed.

"We have to leave them!" Weekes yelled as she drove away.

"We can't! They're family!" I yelled, getting into the backseat.

"No. They're dead, kid. We have to go," Hopper said sternly. He slammed on the gas and followed the Killjoys in their red car.

"Holy shit," I mumbled to myself. The last piece of family I had, gone. Nancy was gone. Max was gone.

I was the only kid left from our team. Hopper and Joyce were still alive, thank god. I was sitting in the back seat, panting. I turned to my right to see a BLIND truck next to us on the road.

"Faster!" I screamed.

"I'm going as fast as I can on this piece of shit!" Hopper yelled, hitting the steering wheel.

I turned to the left to see yet another BLIND truck. We were surrounded. The agent driving the truck on the right stuck his head and arms out the window, shooting bullets at Joyce's window.

The agents in the other truck did the same thing, but with Hopper's window instead. Joyce duck down while Hopper pushed even harder on the gas. I could've sworn tears were in his eyes.

"We have to swerve," I said, leaning forward.

"Get down kid, they'll see you," Hopper snapped. I ducked my head down.

"Swerve into them," I said.

"Are you crazy? We'll wreck the car!" Joyce hissed.

"Just do it!" I yelled.

"No. I'm not letting a stupid sixteen year old boss me-"

Hopper was interrupted by a bullet flying directly into his neck. He was dead instantly, causing Joyce to let out a shriek of terror.

"Swerve the fucking car!" I screamed. She nodded and leaned over Hopper's body to the wheel. Joyce swiftly swerved the car to the right, knocking the BLIND truck off of the road. Then, she swerved to the left, knocking the other BLIND truck off of the road.

Joyce was a secret badass. I never really thought she was, since she was such a coward before the apocalypse started.

I guess the apocalypse changed us all.

𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 [𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now