Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

"I told you a lot about Lydia when you first came after her family arrived here."
Edmundo was petting his dog's head while listening to his sister babbling, "sure, you said she was ... What was it again? Strange and unusual?"
"That's how she described herself to me the first time we met, yes. And after a year, I can say she definitely is."

Corazana really wanted to share the existence of the Maitlands and Beetlejuice with her brother, but somehow, she couldn't help but be sure that he would believe her only if she wasn't the one seeing them. So she changed some details to the story.

"She couldn't have met Barb and Adam, but one day, she described them to me so precisely, as if they were in the same room as us."
"You're telling me she's able to see ghosts?" Edmundo's voice was quite serious, he was quite skeptical about that kind of stuff but still open-minded.
"Yes. The Maitlands, and a third one actually."
"I don't remember our previous neighbors dying in this house."
"He's not one of our previous neighbors. I- she doesn't exactly know where he comes from, but that dead man goes by the name of Lawrence Betelgeuse apparently. I don't know if he has a last name."
"Come again for old Fudge?"
"Lawrence Betelgeuse," she repeated, "... Why are you making that face?"
"I don't know, it just sounds so... Familiar..."

Corazana's heart started pounding. She was sure she had never talked about him to Edmundo, ever.

"How could you know him?"
"No idea. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it'll come back to me. I got a pretty good memory, especially with names. So that teen really is special, huh?"
"Of course. I mean... she's like a little sister. We bonded quickly, and her family is so weird and funny. Remind me of our own, but different."

Edmundo nodded. His smile started to fade away as he stared at his sister's face with his blind eyes.

"How are you feeling those days?"
She looked down at her hands, "good I guess. Sometimes I feel very weak but... It doesn't happen very often. Having new projects in mind all the time helps me a lot to stay motivated."
"That's a good thing. You can let yourself slowly giving up like-"
She cut him off, "like last time. I know. But I'm not alone anymore. I have her, and her three ghosts."
"Sure. What does he look like?"
"That Betelgeuse ghost."
"He's- Lydia told me he's not very tall, but still taller than me. A little bit chubby, bearded. He wears an old striped suit. His hair is green and messy. And also, she says his voice sounds like his throat was collapsing on itself, probably because he died years and years ago. Can you picture it?"
"Quite well. It sounds like a D&D character but fucked up. Give me more details."
Corazana blushed, feeling a little bit trapped, "she didn't give me many details about him..."
"Well... Improvise. You're a good storyteller. When you talk, it's like I'm little less blind for a minute," whispered Edmundo, making her sister smile.
"Well... Let's say that his eyes are very dark, but not empty dark, more like the full-of-horrible-traumas dark. He always put on a sarcastic grin to hide sadness and loneliness. I think he's hard to read, but not impossible."
"Are you sure you're not in love with that ghost dude?" mocked her brother, immediately receiving a pillow right in the face, "not fair! I couldn't see that coming!"
"Why would you say something like that? I'm talking about a dead man I never saw and you're just being picky! Asshole!"
"Okay, okay, maybe I was a bit picky. But you do describe him the same way you described Jason to me when you started dating him. Your one true love, right?"
"Well, he moved to Australia and we lost touch. And I was fourteen or something, of course, I was head over heels for him, he was my first boyfriend ever," justified the young woman.
"Still, you sound the same."

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