Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1How Soon Is Now?

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Chapter 1
How Soon Is Now?

"Today ?"
"When ?"
"Not today."
"BABES !" shouted Beetlejuice, hitting the couch with his foot. "Come on! It's been three whole days since your daddy and Delia left the house! Y'all are having fun without me, it's upsetting."

Lydia was exasperated. "Adam and Barbara aren't complaining."
"It's not my fault, they're so polite they have to keep a stick up their asses all the time."
"Hey! We can hear you !"

    Adam and Barbara glared at him. All four were in the attic, the only place where they were sure Corazana wouldn't hear Lydia arguing with the demon.

BJ ignored Adam's reflexion. "Baby! I wanna have fun with you both! Ya know ya can trust me, right ?"
"In fact, I certainly know that I can't," answered Lydia.
"Everything's alright up here ?" called the babysitter from the first floor.

    The gothic teen put her index on her lips, which was quite unnecessary since she was the only one able to hear the ghosts.

"Yes, I'm good !"

    Lydia approached the door but turned back to Beetlejuice before opening it.

"You won't meet her until I decide it's the right time for you and for her." she said, emphasising on the last word.
"Fucking bullshit."
"Language." snapped Adam.
"Give me a break, nerd."


    The downtown area didn't have anything really exciting to do. You could either go to the cinema or the arcades. Lydia and Corazana did both. They saw A Nightmare on Elmstreet 5 and finished the day with three exhaustive hours of playing Street Fighter and other games.

"There goes all the money your parents gave me to keep an eye on you. This shit is expensive as hell."

    They were coming out of the arcades, eating chocolate bars and candies.

"That's because you used all your tokens on the claw crane. And for what ?"
"For an ugly giant spider-man plush."

    She was, indeed, carrying an enormous spider-man on her shoulder.

"What do you want to eat tonight Lyds ?" asked her babysitter. "We can grab a pizza on our way home, or I can cook something."
"Oh please, tell me you know the recipe of your mom's chicken Quesadillas ?"

Corazana winked at her. "Of course I know it. We'll have to make a detour by my parents, so I can get all the ingredients I need."

    The sun was setting and falling below the horizon when they arrived at Corazana's house. She called for her parents as soon as she entered, leaving a shy Lydia at the door.

"They're not gonna eat you."
"Maybe ... B-but they're not expecting me." stuttered Lydia.
"Who cares? Come on."

    She ignored the "I do !" Lydia said, sounding almost like a squirrel squeaking. The young girl had never had the chance to see how Corazana's house looked inside. The decoration was quite simple, which was surprising because the Pietros were very colorful people. The way they lived was colourful, actually. Miguel Pietro was a guitar player, a very good one, and Rosita a math teacher. They were a lovely couple. Lydia saw them celebrating Día de Muertos the year before, few months after what had happened with ... well, Beetlejuice, the Maitlands, her own family, her mother, the Neitherworld ...

    She couldn't help but sneak up to the fence and to watch them. They seemed so happy, talking about the dead, celebrating them, even if they couldn't see their loved ones. That was such a particular time in Lydia's life, she was fascinated. This exact day was the one she met Corazana for the first time.

"Mamà, is there any cumin left ?" asked Cora, searching every single cupboard.
"Dios Mío! Mija! Let me do that, you're making a mess out of my kitchen."

    Lydia couldn't hold her laugh. Miguel and her shared a look, giggling.


"Then ... I'll need paprika."

    Cora' was reading the notes her mom gave her, Lydia was handing her the ingredients she needed. Of course, Beetlejuice was observing the girls, floating in the air. From time to time, he tried to talk to Lydia, but deep dive into her mission, she didn't even hear him.

"So it's like that ..." he muttered.

    Enough was enough, he couldn't wait anymore. He'd meet the new girl today or this whole house would go to the Neitherworld with him.

    Everything happened really fast: Corazana asked Lydia to bring the Guacamole bowl to the counter, BJ grabbed her wrist and the bowl exploded on the floor.

"BEETLEJUICE !" yelled Lydia, furious.

    Then, she turned to her babysitter, realizing what she just said.

"I knew you were a weird girl Lyds, but I've never heard that kind of swearing anywhere before. It's okay, we have enough avocado to make another bowl."

Beetlejuice looked into the gothic teen's eyes. "I fucking swear it, baby, if ya don't summon me tonight, things will get worse. You know how it feels to be invisible. Don't do that to me."

"Lyds, are you alright ?" asked Corazana, facing a very quiet Lydia.

    She nodded, answering her babysitter's question and agreeing to BJ's statement at the same time.

"Cora', I think you need to meet someone."
She joked. "What? Like right now, in the middle of our Quesadillas ?"
"Yes, right now."

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