Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.
Heart of Glass.

The green-haired demon and the young art student have been staring at each other for the past five minutes.

"Ya know," started BJ, "I fucked Marie-Antoinette once."
"Okay, that was the worst thing to say and the last thing I needed to learn about you."
"Great! Ice's broken!"

No, don't laugh, though Cora.

"So, you've almost died. Let me tell ya that you would have been very disappointed with the afterlife. It's quite boring."
"That's why you're always messing around and harassing the breathers who can see you?"
"Huh, yeah, I guess," answered Beetlejuice, raising an eyebrow.

He started looking around him and went to the shelves, nosing about in. A little notebook got his attention.

"May I ?"
Cora was so surprised he asked for her permission that she could just stutter, "y-yes, sure."

It was actually a sketchbook. Turning the pages, he discovered doodles, watercolor and pastel drawings. His eyes went up to the young woman.

"That's cool."
"Thanks," she was embarrassed, or flattered, hard to tell.
"Truth is, I've already watched you draw when you couldn't see me. Your portrait of Lydia is great."
"Please don't tell her about it, it's for her birthday."
"I'd guessed," winked the demon.

She gave him a curious look.

"How can you be so hateful, yet so engaging?"
"Don't know, babes, that's just how I am."

Cora really wanted to make an effort for Lydia, but it was hard to figure Beetlejuice out. The guy was quite moody.

Years and years of loneliness surely don't help to become a better person ...

"Can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead, doll."
"What happened to you? I mean ... violent ghosts probably had a hard life while they were still alive, they're revengeful, so I figured that maybe-"
He cut her off, "Yeah, "maybe", whatever you were going to say is probably wrong, sorry to disappoint you, baby."

Something in his gaze seemed off for a second. But then he smiled again.

"I'm just a huge asshole, but what an attractive one!"

Cora let out a laugh and immediately regretted it. She let him come to talk and he was just sneaking a little bit more in her personal life without telling anything about him. He was a demon, and a dangerous, bad, dead man.

"I need an ice-cream," declared the babysitter.

She stood up, he faced her. His expression was completely indescribable.

"Do ... Do you want one too?"
"I can't taste anything. My senses are pretty fucked up."
"Right, I just thought that maybe you still enjoyed food, since you seem to like nasty stuff ..."
"Ya mean sex?"
She blushed and nodded, "just tell me if you want an ice-cream or not."
"I do."


Lydia was probably in the attic with the Maitlands because the kitchen was empty. Corazana took two Magnum bars out of the fridge and gave one to the demon. He thanked her and started eating it. And again, that silence. That damn silence.

"We need to have a talk. A real talk, I mean."
Beetlejuice looked at Cora, he had already eaten half of his ice-cream, "about what, honestly? You can't stand me, I get it. Ya won't be the first or the last."
"If Lydia can be friend with you, I guess I can try too."
"Mujer loca. I've watched you countless of times in the shower, scared you to death last night and you still want us to be buddies."
"I tend to see the good in everyone. ... Why is your hair turning blue ?"
"Mind your business, baby."
"You haven't minded yours since we met, and before," observed the young woman.
"Good point. It changes with my emotions, you'll have to discover the rest all by yourself."

He licked the chocolate left on his stick with a very provocative grin that she properly ignored.

I'll get use to it, thought the babysitter, force of habit.

They heard someone coming down the stairs and froze. Lydia's surprised head appeared at the door frame.

"What are you doing?" she immediately asked Beetlejuice, suspicious.
"I'm eating an ice-cream."
"With Cora?"
"With Cora," confirmed the demon.
"He's telling the truth. I wanted to have a conversation, we did."
"Oh, so you two are good now?"
"We're okay."

Corazana smiled at Lydia, who was preparing a cup of tea, then to the ghost. He didn't know how to react to all this. People often didn't trust him or give him a second chance. And that girl was ready to do it? Crazy. He watched her leaves the kitchen.

"What's with the new hair color?" asked Lydia.
"I don't know, babes."
"I've never seen you so blue before."
"Probably because I've never been more curious."

Lydia sipped her tea. Things were starting to be interesting between her best friends.

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