Personal Protection - Hetalia

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AN: A simple drabble, that’s all this is. Not much substance, no engaging plot. Just a romantic interlude. We all need a bit more fluff and romance in our lives, don’t we? Enjoy!


Title: Personal Protection

Fandom: Hetalia

Pairing: America/England

Warnings: None

Word Count: 586

“Do you have to go now?” There was a very distinct whine to that question.

A sigh. “Yes, America, I’m afraid so.”


It was always like this. It was hard enough having to leave after visiting his love for a few days and go back to his duties as the humanized representation of his beloved country. But when America tries to physically keep England from leaving by wrapping his arms around his waist, having not reached the stage of grasping onto his leg quite yet, it was really hard not to give into those sky blue eyes.

And when he got that childish pout, it was infuriatingly devastating to his determination and will.

But he really needed to get back to his home and start working again. He had only meant to spend a few days with America, a romantic weekend actually. He, however, ended up staying for a week. He had lost the amount of half-believable excuses he had sent back to his boss.

Something along the lines of strengthening the bonds of their relationship with America.

Which was kinda true…in a way.

“I don’t want you to go yet.”

As sweet as that was, and how true on both ends, England really shouldn’t stay any longer.

“America,” England started as his hands moved to pry off America’s grip from around his waist. It wasn’t easy. “I’ve already stayed longer than originally intended. I need to go home now.”

With a long suffering sigh, America relinquished his grip on England and sulkily stepped back, allowing England some room. England gave him a small smile. Although it got him into some trouble (ie; being late for meetings) he found America’s clinginess rather endearing.

Leaning up, England rested his hands on America’s shoulders and placed a soft kiss to his lips. “Sorry. I’ll ring you as soon as I touch down.”

England then moved to leave before America could reattach himself to his waist, his belongings already in the back of the taxi that was waiting oh-so patiently for him outside.

“I’m not letting you go without protection.” There was a solid sense of seriousness in America’s voice.

It made England stop dead in his tracks, his large brows knitting together into a look of confusion. “Protection?”

America nodded grimly, which England immediately didn’t like.

“I’ve gotten you a bodyguard.”

Before England even had the chance to sigh and question him about this nonsense, America suddenly presented him a going away gift. It was a teddy bear with light brown fur and wearing a small and cute version of the American military uniform. And in its hand was a flag, but not the American flag like expected. It was a small, seemingly hand drawn version of the English flag.

“Say hello to Fred,” America stated brightly. “He’s your new bodyguard.”

A lump of emotion hitched in England’s throat as he reached for the teddy bear, holding it within his hands, desperately fighting the urge to clutch the bear against his chest. The fur was soft and warm. Not too big, nor too small. The teddy bear was the right size.


America tilted his head to the side, that warm and loving look on his face not faltering. “What’s wrong with Fred?”

There was absolutely nothing wrong with Fred. And England let America know that.

But, needless to say, England had to catch a later flight.

And the teddy bear, or Fred as it was known by, stayed safety within England’s grip the entire flight home.


AN: Please review. I hope to have more pointless fluff up soon :3

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