Less Talk, More Action! - Cross Edge

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Title: Less Talk, More Action!

Fandom: Cross Edge

Summary: Ayatane and Lyner just friends? Pfft! Yeah, right. Still, despite the subtle body language and the brief touches that were still very squeal-worthy, it wasn’t enough. But all they’re doing is talking!

Pairing/s: Ayatane/Lyner

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don’t own anything

AN: This seems to be an on-going theme with me. But, hey, I’ve got writer’s block, so anything goes!


Standing inauspiciously behind a row of trees, a large group of young ladies huddled around, peering at their surroundings with suspicions and intrigue. They were on a fact finding mission, one that needed the upmost patience and skill. They had suspicions and assumptions about a certain pair of friends.

Friends? Or perhaps they were something more?

"Are you sure they're really dating?" Miko asked in a hushed whisper, not daring to take her gaze away from the objects of their observations as she didn't want to risk missing a thing.

Curling a lose strand of hair behind her ear, Lily snorted. "You've seen how they treat each other, haven't you?" she replied. "Close friends? As if."

“I kinda thought they were already married,” Marie confessed with a slight chuckle.

Meu shifted impatiently from foot to foot. "Call in woman's intuition or whatever," she said. "But I can just tell that there is something between them."

“That’s all well and good,” Anesha said, her sharp gaze eager to take in any sign of affection. The more heated and passionate, the better. “But they still haven’t done anything yet.”

"Maybe they're just not very open about their affections?" Whim suggested. “Not everyone is for public displays of affections, after all.”

“I don’t see why,” Anesha muttered under her breath.

The group fell back into a moment of silence; all their attentions focus solely on a tall, elegant man in the elaborate armour, and the cheery and friendly blond haired guy. They were standing near a small babbling brook, facing each other, with a suitable (yet, not really) distance between them.

And they appear to be talking. Their body language was light, unguarded and warm. Their conversation appeared to be open and friendly, nothing too serious. Occasionally, one of them would reach out to gently touch the other – a pat on the arm or removing a fallen leaf from their hair.

While their body language offered them sweet hints to how close they really were, it wasn’t the unrefusable evidence they really wanted.

A hug, a kiss – both. That sort of thing. While some of the girls would die to see something more…intimate, it was probably best to keep their findings in the PG side of the ratings.

"We've been standing here for an hour already and nothing has happened," Lily said, clearly agitated and impatient. "They're just talking. That's all they've been doing."

"There is other ways to show affection, you know," Meu quipped back.

While that was very true – they could be spouting love poems to each other for all they knew, but that wasn’t helping on their research mission as they were too far to hear anything. And they couldn’t get any closer as that would make them very, very suspicious. And if that happened, they certainly won’t witness a single romantic moment.

Still…they couldn’t stand here and wait all day. It was nearing dinner time, anyway. They were starting to get hungry.

“Come on,” Miko urged. “It’s getting late. It’s about time we starting making dinner.”

“Ok,” Meu relented. “It’s my turn to cook, isn’t it?”

Reluctantly the group began to disperse, heading in their own directions, heading back to camp, disappointed. So, their mission today was a disaster. Not a complete disaster as they did witness a few gentle touches. The part where Ayatane actually curled a stand of Lyner’s hair behind his ear was definitely sigh-worthy.

Tomorrow was a new day. Maybe they’ll be lucky enough to catch the ever elusive kiss?


Ayatane felt the sudden urge to survey his surroundings. He paused in what he was speaking with to Lyner about to take a semi-defensive stance, his red eyes narrowing cautiously. Lyner wisely opted to remain silent, allowing the other to search the area around them in peace. Then, after a moment, the tension drained by his shoulders and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

"They're gone," Ayatane said as he turned his attention back to Lyner, lying an idle hand on the hilt of his blade.

“Finally!” Lyner said as he crossed his arms over his chest with a sense of annoyance. "I can't believe that they actually stood there for, what, an hour?"

"I'm surprised they had the attention span to do so," Ayatane chuckled warmly, humour in his voice. “And surprised that they didn’t think we’d notice.”

“They weren’t hard to miss,” Lyner agreed. It was important to a warrior to keep a strong sense of understanding of their surroundings. And a group of girls hiding behind a line of trees was something that was highly suspicious.

It certainly wasn’t hard to figure out what they were trying to do. Ok, so Ayatane figured it out before Lyner did and it kinda took Morrigan warning him before hand, but now that he knew, the girls’ motives were clear as crystal.

“Do you think we should tell them that we know what they’re doing?” Lyner asked as he stepped into Ayatane’s awaiting arms, idling running a finger along the detailed pattern on his chest armour.

Ayatane shrugged lightly as he interlocked his fingers together at the small of Lyner’s back. “Perhaps,” he said. “But there is a chance they might alter their methods, even becoming more subtle.”

Lyner nodded his head absentmindedly as his hands moved along Ayatane’s armour to brush his fingertips against Ayatane’s jawline. “That’s true,” he said as his face inched closer to Ayatane’s. “It wouldn’t hurt to let them think we’re oblivious to them, would it?”

Ayatane made no attempt to reply. Instead he abruptly eliminated the small distance between them, enclosing his mouth over Lyner’s. Reassured that they were truly alone, Lyner settled himself into Ayatane’s arms and kissed back as heatedly as he was being kissed.

This has turned into somewhat of a daily ritual. The girls watch from afar, hoping to see the true significance of their relationship, only to witness them innocently acting as nothing more than friends. But when they left, bored and dejected, was when Lyner and Ayatane’s true fondness for each other really showed.

While they weren’t ashamed of their feelings, it didn’t mean they wanted their affections to be viewed as a spectators sport. Some things were simply better left unseen by the eyes of others.

Although, they couldn’t help but wonder how long it would take those girls to figure out that they’ve been found out?

One thing for sure, though – they’ll probably be pretty pissed off.


AN: Please comment <3

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