Oh, the Joys of Questioning - Cross Edge

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Title: Oh, the Joys of Questioning

Fandom: Cross Edge

Summary: Lyner is cornered by the girls and gets the third degree about his relationship with Ayatane. The best way to get out of this in one piece was to answer their questions honestly. But…what kind of questions were they going to ask?

Pairings: Ayatane/Lyner

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don’t own anything to do with this series

AN: Just a quick, light-hearted oneshot. Enjoy!


Lyner shifted uncomfortably under the weight of many expecting eyes. He was experiencing everyone's worst nightmare. Well, every guy’s worst nightmare at the very least. After suffering a minor injury in battle, he had been prescribed some bed rest just as a precautionary measure. However, bed rest was meant to be peaceful.

Not for him, though. Being confined to bed meant that he was easy pickings.

He knew that he would curse the day these girls found out about his relationship with Ayatane. What was worse, though, there was nothing he could do about it. He was vastly outnumbered, injured and completely surrounded. He had no choice but to answer their far too probing questions about his relationship. It wasn't hard for him to figure out that answering their questions honestly was for the best.

These girls...were dangerous.

“Fine,” Lyner sighed in defeat, hoping to get the humiliation over with as quickly as possible. He also hoped that their questions weren’t too…personal. “Ask away.”

Clapping her hands in delight, Meu spoke first, asking the most obvious of questions. “Who kissed who first?”

Lyner scratched the back of his neck as he recalled the first time that he and Ayatane had kissed. Well, their first romantic and passionate kiss, anyway. It was here in this world, actually, not long after they were reunited. A sudden influx of memories had pushed them into each other’s arms and the next thing that Lyner knew Ayatane’s mouth was against his, kissing him. And Lyner was kissing back as passionately as he was receiving.

So, ah, the answer would be…

“Ayatane did.”

Meu nodded her head, eagerly taking in the information before turning her attention to the rest of the girls in order to figure out which question to ask next. Finally, Lily took a step forward and flicked her hair over her shoulder in a haughty manner.

“Who made the first move?” she asked far too bluntly.

Lyner was not entirely sure what she meant by ‘move’ (was showing affection toward each other considered a ‘move’?), but he was fairly certain that Ayatane did. But, after they pulled away from each other after sharing a kiss, Ayatane said something about him that he found hard to resist.

So, maybe…he made the first move unknowingly? Was that possible?

“Ah, Ayatane did,” Lyner answered quickly.

Lily nodded her head in satisfaction, seemingly pleased with his answer. She took a step back when Etna, surprisingly, popped forward, a wicked grin on her lips.

“Who's the most possessive?” she asked.

Lyner furrowed his brow in confusion. Again, he wasn’t entirely sure how to answer that question. Possessive was such a negative word. Protective was better. And Lyner had no trouble admitting that he was very protective of Ayatane. Protective of his safety, his honour, his name – his everything.

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