Jealousy Is A Strange Feeling - Cross Edge

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Title: Jealousy Is A Strange Feeling

Fandom: Cross Edge

Summary: Lily should hate Lyner. She had a very good reason to. But how could she hate the man that brought such a tender expression to Raze’s face?

Pairings: Raze/Lyner

Warnings: None

Disclaimer: Don’t own nothing!

AN: It’s been a while since I’ve written a CrossEdge oneshot. Just felt like writing something short and sweet. Although, I don’t think 1400 words is short…Anywho, enjoy!


Lily should hate Lyner. Detest him with a feverish, jealous rage. But she can't...she just can't. He was just too nice to hate. And she had a very good reason to do so, in her opinion.

He took Raze away from her.

Oh, sure, they weren't together in the first place, but she had been working on it! She had been trying for years. She wanted his attention, his laugh, his smile to be for her and only her. He was her servant. It was his duty and obligation to stand by her side for always.

When they first entered into the strange world of lost souls, Raze had been harsh, abrasive and suspicious of everyone but her and Whim. And when they met up with the others, Lyner at the forefront and eager to welcome new people into their group, Raze had pointed his sword at him, willing to fight if necessary. Raze was never trusting of people. Yet, despite the raising of his sword, Raze made no attempt to actually attack. Normally, it would have taken a couple of stern commands from Lily for Raze to put away his weapon. That time, however, it took one.

Maybe it was Lyner's friendly appearance that took him off guard. Or maybe it was the fact that Lyner made absolute no attempt to reach for his own weapon, more than willing to try to talk Raze out of it. Whatever it was, the smile on Lyner's face as Raze withdrew was practically dazzling. And as Lily glanced at Raze from the corner of her eye, she noted that Raze looked somewhat uncomfortable and confused.

During the time, she hadn't paid much attention to his confused look. It wasn't until later that she realised that she had never seen that expression before. It made her feel somewhat baffled as well.

Still, she didn't think much of it.

Until she kept seeing Raze's expression soften ever so slightly whenever he was dealing with Lyner. It was as if the slightly shorter blond baffled him in some way. Lily could kinda understand. Lyner was just too friendly, too cheerful, too encouraging.

Lyner was like that toward everyone. Lily, however, quickly noticed that he seemed to gravitate toward Raze more than anyone else. And Raze, for his part, did nothing to put any distance between them. In fact, he seemed to like the attention somewhat. Raze had never been the communicative type, but he was able to speak with Lyner and even share a laugh or two with him.

Lily couldn't help but feel jealous. He was never like that around her.

Still, she thought there was nothing more than friendship between the two. And it was (somewhat) good to see Raze getting along with someone else. It was good that he made a friend.

After what had transpired that day, however, friend didn’t seem to be the appropriate word anymore.

Lyner had been caught up in a surprise attack. And being on the front line, he received the brunt of it. Not that he would have it any other way, mind you. If he wasn't on the front line he would push himself there so no one else would get hurt. That was just the way he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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