How to Propose to An Aussie - Hetalia

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Title: How to Propose to An Aussie

Fandom: Hetalia

Summary: New Zealand had just stolen Australia’s camera. Australia is curious. What could he possibly want with it? And what does Canada have to do with it?

Pairing/s: Canada/Australia, mentions of America/England

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything of this series and am making no profit whatsoever

Warnings: None. Does fluff and sap count as a warning?

AN: Hello everyone. Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve written a oneshot. I hope everyone had a safe and happy Easter. Me? Well, I spent Easter in hospital… Yeah, that was fun.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates. Here, have a totally sappy and fluffy oneshot of my new favourite pairing to make up for it. Enjoy!


New Zealand drummed his fingers on the table before him. He was sitting in one of those snazzy little cafes near the water front, waiting for someone. Who he was waiting, though, was a bit of a surprise.

He had received a phone call from Canada earlier this morning, asking to meet up with him. And had requested that he not tell Australia that he was visiting. New Zealand was curious as to why. About the not telling Australia part, since Australia was actually Canada’s boyfriend.

Maybe something happened? Or was going to happen?

New Zealand wasn’t worried, though. Just curious. It wasn’t like the two of them were going to break up or anything. Honestly, those two were disgustingly in love. The looks, the touches, the private conversations with their eyes. They made strangers twitch with envy whenever they were around.

“Sorry, eh?” A quiet but distinctly Canadian accent pulled New Zealand from his thoughts. “Did I make you wait long?”

“Nah, it’s fine,” New Zealand replied as Canada moved to sit across from him. “I got you a coffee.”

“Thanks very much,” Canada said as he reached for his coffee, but making no attempt to drink it.

“So…” New Zealand drawled, resting his chin in his hand as he leaned his elbow on the table. “What can I do for ya, bro?”

Canada looked a little nervous. “I need your help with something.”

New Zealand tilted his head to the side in query. “Yeah?”

“I want to ask Australia a question.”

“A question?” New Zealand repeated. He then perked up when the silent meaning of the word ‘question’ seeped in. “Wait…do you mean that question?”

Canada answered with a simple nod.


No, New Zealand did not shriek that question incredulously.

He squealed in delight.

It was about time! They had been together for years. He wasn’t sure how many of the other nations knew of their relationship, though. They didn’t go announcing it to the world. But talking about their engagement would certainly gain some attention.

“I don’t want to ask him any old way, eh?” Canada said.

“Oz is hardly romantic,” New Zealand said as he nodded his head sagely. “Dropping down on one knee after a candlelit dinner isn’t going to work.”

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