Midnight Secrets - Cross Edge

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Title: Midnight Secrets

Fandom: Cross Edge

Summary: Lily can’t sleep, so she and Whim go for a walk around camp. They spot Lyner moving from the campsite, but think nothing of it. Until they spy Reicher suddenly appearing, confronting Lyner!

Pairings: Reicher/Lyner

Warnings: Kissing

Disclaimer: Don’t own anything

AN: It’s been a while since I’ve written a Cross Edge oneshot. This was supposed to be a short drabble, but it seems I’m incapable of writing shorts anymore… Well, anyway, enjoy!


It was one of those nights where it was difficult to sleep. No matter which position you lay in, no matter how much you try to empty your head of useless thoughts, nothing seemed to help. Lily was having one of those nights. Normally, dreaming about Raze confessing his undying love for her and showing her how much he appreciated her was enough to send her into the world of sleep. But not tonight.

Uttering a noise of pure annoyance, Lily rolled over to look at her handmaiden, who appeared to be sleeping soundly in the bed next to her. That immediately increased Lily's annoyance and frustration. How dare Whim be able to sleep peacefully when she couldn't?

Sitting up in bed, Lily reached out and roughly shook Whim's shoulder, forcing her to awaken. "Whim, wake up!"

Dutifully, Whim woke up and immediately sat up. She looked momentarily confused, no doubt wondering why she was woken up. "What's wrong, Miss Lily?" she asked with blatant concern.

"I can't sleep," Lily answered with a frown.

Whim sighed deeply, almost warily. She knew that since Lily was unable to sleep, then she won't be able to either. Resigned to her fate, Whim lifted the thin blanket from herself and shuffled to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Shall we go for a walk, then?" Whim suggested.

Lily nodded and moved to slip out from under the blankets. Anything was better than lying on this bed, completely unable to sleep. Slipping on her boots, she and Whim quietly left the sleeping tent and ventured outside into the night air. It felt around midnight, not everyone was asleep, but most of their family members were.

Making sure not to venture too far from camp in case there was a wandering monster or two loitering about, Lily walked around restlessly, engaging in small talk with Whim. The air was still and slightly cool. Refreshing really.

"Oh, it's Mr Lyner," Whim suddenly commented, sounding almost happy and relieved.

Lily turned her attention in the direction Whim was looking in. There, in the distance, was Lyner. He wasn't wearing his usual armour, instead a simple white shirt with the picture of a funbun printed on the front over his usual black pants. His sword rested in its customary place, in a leather pouch that was tied to his back, the sword dangling against the back of his legs.

He was a few yards in front of them, within sight but not within hearing range. It didn't really surprise Lily to see Lyner wandering about at this time of night. It may be midnight, but the blond-haired swordsman was usually found surveying the area, making sure everyone was safe and secure. In fact, it was something that most of the guys of their family did.

Whim seemed to really respect Lyner and Lyner seems to get along quite well with both Raze and Whim. Lily hadn’t had that much to do with him, to be honest. He was rather cute, though. Nowhere near as handsome, gorgeous or cute as Raze, mind you. But she had to admit he did have his adorable moments.

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