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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ our doubts are traitors

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our doubts are traitors.

IT WAS LIKE HANDLING fine china, or a newborn baby, hell it was like adding the last two cards to the top of a tower that someone has been working on for hours. it was beyond gentle, and beyond unnecessary. this was evident by the bored expression on his face and continuous rolling of his eyes.

"kook, i'm fine really." taehyung continued to insist, but the boy was still propping pillows behind the youngers head and tucking the blanket under his limbs to make sure he was well wrapped and practically swaddled. "i got shot, which is lowkey kinda cool, but i'm better now and this is going a bit over the top?"

jungkook was still not really listening, only focused on making sure the brunette was as comfortable as possible. "so i should leave this hear?" another voice echoed in the apartment, and jimin stood there smiling with a gallon of ice cream and three spoons. "by the way, i love the new couch." he said, pointing out the new piece of furniture.

all in barely a day, jungkook had gone out and finally bought a couch and tv for his apartment so his boyfriend would be completely relaxed and occupied while he rested up. this also meant jimin would be providing snacks and entertainment in the form of ben and jerry's and the mamma mia dvd.

"oh no you can bring that here." taehyung smiled, seeing the snack. he would have patted the spot beside him but his arms were too tightly tucked at his sides.

"there." jungkook finally spoke, standing up with his hands on his hips and nodding at his work. "are you comfortable?"

"i'm a burrito."

"let me taste." jimin said, sitting on the boys legs and holding the tub of dessert in his lap.

the ravenette just narrowed his eyes at the smaller boy, "be careful." jungkook tugged his friend off taehyung and made him sit on an actual seat. "i'll go get some socks for you and that juice you like." he said before disappearing down the hall to the bedroom.

once he was finally gone, jimin just got back up and sat close to his friend, spooning out some ice cream and feeding it to him. "has he even slept yet?"

taehyung just shook his head and continued eating the ice cream being fed to him. "it's been 36 hours." he mumbled between bites, knowing very well his boyfriend hasn't gotten any rest yet. it was only a matter of time before the poor boy just crashed.

"that's insane." jimin fed himself a mouthful and only paused to reach for the remote. "also where is the ring? that thing was way too pretty to not be on that hand."

"bro i know." taehyung finally pulled his arms out of the blankets and pushed himself up a bit. "jungkook is being a jerk and not letting me have it yet, says he wants to do it right."

the blonde just smiled and got another spoon now the other could feed himself properly. "at least you know you're getting one." jimin said.

taehyung rose an eyebrow at that, a little teasing grin and playful nudge following. "does my jimin want to marry a certain tall boy?" he giggled afterwards, especially when receiving a nudge in return and blushing cheeks as an answer.

"fuck no." jimin said, "at least not yet, i'm still married to my work."

the brunette giggled again, and they continued to gossip quietly about rings and their boys and fantasy weddings. it was strange to think that there was a time that they weren't friends, considering how close they've gotten this past year and everything they've been through. taehyung couldn't imagine anyone else that he'd consider his best friend.

"i gotta pee." taehyung said, managing the pulled his legs out of the blankets and not move too much to mess with the bandages on his stomach. even though he was discharged, there was still some pain that the medication didn't completely get rid of.

he walked down the hallway to jungkooks bedroom, and pushed open the door slowly. a small smiled appeared on his face when seeing the ravenette laying on top of the ready made bedsheets, a pair of socks in his hand. jungkook barely made it out of the room before the exhaustion finally caught up to him.

taehyung sat down next to his sleeping boyfriend and ran his fingers through the boys hair, pushing the black bangs back to expose forehead just waiting for a soft peck. "sleep well kookie," he whispered, grabbing a blanket to drape over his body, "you deserve it."

he would have went to sleep too, staying with the tired male, but jimin was still here. the blonde was sitting expectantly once taehyung came back out, half the icecream gone already. "did you put the kids to bed?" jimin asked with a playful grin.

"yes honey." taehyung said, sitting back down on the couch beside his friend and taking the spoon offered to him. "thank you." he said.

"i'm assuming you forgave him."  jimin said, the topic not quite known until taehyung could think of the only thing he was ever mad about. seohyun. the kiss. the only things that he never wanted to remember.

taehyung just sighed, and he leaned his head against the boys shoulder. "i forgave him so long ago. i cant stay mad at him." he admitted.

"plus you said you'd marry him so that sounds pretty forgiving anyways." jimin giggles.

"i think we need to work on being normal boyfriends before we consider anything after that." taehyung said, and it was true. they've barely had time to actually date and just be normal, to go out and eat fancy dinners and watch dumb romantic movies — all the cheesy stuff that normal couples should be doing.

jimin just shrugged, "but you guys aren't normal, jungkook definitely isn't normal." he said, "and i don't think you should try to make what you guys have be normal."

it was probably the most true statement he's heard. as much as taehyung wanted their relationship to work, to be healthy — calling it normal might not be the way to go about it. because jimin was right, jungkook wasnt normal. he liked adrenaline and he liked living fast and dangerous. restaurants and theaters were not his thing and they suddenly wouldn't become his favorite now that he was dating someone. taehyung knew this, and he needed to accept it, but what he really needed to do was stop thinking he wasn't jungkooks favorite.

the truth, it's been on his mind too much. so many nights wondering how jungkook took any interest in the boy who lived his life so safely, when everything that jungkook liked was the complete opposite. taehyung doesn't know how the younger would want to live the rest of his life with him, because he doesn't know if settling was something jungkook actually wanted — and it was the scariest thing that taehyung could think of.

one day he'll get bored of the white picket fence life, and one day jungkook will want to go back to his criminal life style, because that's the man he was, and taehyung loved every bit of who he was no matter what it meant for their future.


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