Chapter 08

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The two had been in the scorching fabric store for what felt like hours. He watched Arthur try on a black tuxedo and he felt his heart thumped a bit. It was as if his heart had hiccuped a bit and he felt warmness creep on the back of his neck.

He closed his eyes and tried to focus on something else. He couldn't help but think about what he had made a deal about and Arthur coughed.

"Hey frog -" Arthur shouted out, getting Francis' attention and then shyly exclaimed. "Pretend I care about your opinion for one second and see if I look good in this."

Francis glanced at Arthur and his heart jumped a bit. He looked charming in it, almost like it was made for him.

"Mon Amie, you look hideous in it." he lied.

"Yanno frog - !"

"Kidding Mon Amie!" Francis chuckled and glanced at him once more and he felt heat rise to his cheeks. "You look..." Francis closed his eyes and shagged his hair. He heard a small cough and noticed a small hue on the Brit's face.

"What if she doesn't like it?" Arthur asked. This was the first he heard Arthur sound so... So.. worried. This brought a soft frown to his face as he gave a supportive smile.

"Oh shush Mr. Worry pants, she's going to love it and she won't turn you down! If she does, I'll give her a piece of my mind!" He gave a soft smile as his muscles wanted to fall downwards.

Arthur ignored the 'Mr. Worry pants' part and scoffed. "Thanks frog. You don't have much of a mind to give her though."

"You haven't seen what Francis is capable of!" He hissed and did a small dance that Arthur scoffed at.

"Quite childish," Arthur had muttered when glancing at the Frenchmale. The two of them finally felt the soft breeze ruffle their hair as they stepped out into the outside, the town square buzzing all around them.

"I will come with you on your way to her house, oui?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Arthur responded smoothly and fumbled with his fingers, not saying anything as the Frenchman kept his purple orbs glued to the male. The suit made his movements a bit choppy; however, he felt a warm feeling a rise to his cheeks. Francis snapped back into reality when Arthur cleared his throat and muttered, "you were staring..."

"Oh sorry!" Francis chirped, he moved his eyes off of Arthur and only gave a small sigh as another familiar face mind its way onto his mind. "Am I seriously not good enough for Joan?"

Arthur didn't respond right away as he shrugged. "She isn't attracted to anyone really, she complains about being hit on and treated like a tool. She likes to rally men who flirt with her; however, she can't get over..." Arthur trailed off as it wasn't his business to tell Francis.

The two left the town square as they made their way towards darkening woods that were even more cooler than the soft breeze that tickled Francis's skin.

"What do you dream of doing, Arthur?" Francis randomly asked, his mind pacing as the Britishmale shrugged, not sure how to answer.

"Probably work more. How about you?"

"I really want to go sail around the world with my lover on my arm," Francis chuckled at the end of the sentence as Arthur only gave a small eye roll.

"Typical, however, it is a dream. Who cares?" Arthur began to walk even more sower as a small cabin began to grow closer and closer into view.

"Is this where she lives?" Francis asked quietly as he only gave a small nod. "You're going to do great! Don't let yourself tell you anything differently, alright?"

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