Chapter 19

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Francis sat down by the chair that was near the small, square window as Arthur reappeared holding a small rag and some supplies. 

"This may sting," Arthur mumbled as he dipped the gray cloth into rubbing alcohol and pressed it softly to the male's wound. Nausea began to wash over Francis as the wound began to scream. 

"Owww! Owwww! Owwwwwwww!" Francis clenched his fingers as Arthur watched silently at the male's growing pain. 

"It's going to be okay…" murmured Arthur as he ran a hand through Francis's blond hair in a comforting manner. Francis's whimpering began to quiet down as felt the stickiness of a bandaid plop down on the wound. 

"Thanks, usually Edward and Sasha patch me up and prep talk me about some stuff that has occurred…" Francis trailed off as Arthur sat down majestically in the chair next to him, adjusting his crossed legs from time to time, which kept catching the attention of Francis. 

"Usually Sasha is friendly; however, her boyfriend had cheated on her for her sister. I'm lucky I had them when I was on my hands and knees." 

Arthur kept adjusting his legs which began to boil under his skin as the britishmale didn't respond. 

“What are you… doing…?" Francis asked, pointing down towards Arthur’s legs and got an angry retort back. 

“Trying to get COMFORTABLE with a frog in my home.“ 

"If you didn't slash at my face, then I would be home by now!" 

Arthur stood up and adjusted his shirt down, his eyes glued to Francis as he gave Francis an ugly look. 

"Before I forget, let me patch you up—" Francis took a clean rag as Arthur sat down where Francis had been and watched the male take off his shirt and noticed old scars and bruises.

Francis placed a hand on Arthur's chest and ran his fingers down to the bandages and snapped it in two. Francis glanced up and noticed the calm on Arthur's face. He was so close that he could lean forward a bit and —

Arthur cleared his throat as Francis turned back towards his abdomen and began to clean it, he couldn't help himself but steal glances at the blond male here and there. He accidentally poured more than what was needed and felt the male's body tense up.

"That was your first flinch! How did you train your body to do that??" Francis asked as Arthur gave a shrug.

"I have been doing this since I was a young lad. You get used to the feeling of bruises, alcohol, scars, blood. This bruised eye is annoying tho. Messes up my beautiful face."

"... I don't think it is messed up. Still looks pretty to me.." Francis couldn't believe he had slipped up and said that in front of Arthur, who's corners of his lips twitched upward as quick as a blink.

"You're either awfully kind or awfully rotten," Arthur bemused as Francis applied new bandages as he turned his face up, while Arthur leaned forward, glancing down at the Frenchman, their noses so close that Francis could feel his heart beat in his stomach.

"You're not so wholesome, yourself," Francis gave a smirk as he felt Arthur's fingers under his chin, lifting him closer and closer that he could feel and hear Arthur's breathing while Arthur could DEFINENTLY hear and feel his.

"Coming from the one that said we had sex on the beach. That we were a couple that we," Arthur frowned as he moved away from the French male, who's heart sunk in his chest at seeing the deflated male. Francis cringed as he heard his stomach growl, only to prompt Arthur to go back to making eye contact with him.

"You're lucky I am a good host…!" He picked himself up and entered the small kitchen. Francis hummed as he glanced at the newspaper that Arthur had been reading, which was Wednesday’s news. Guess the mail company was 4 days late… Francis scoffed as he noticed Arthur exit the kitchen, holding burnt food and placed it on the table. 

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