Chapter 05

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"I told you!" Francis shouted. Walking into detective Kirkland's office. 

"You again?" Arthur groaned as he saw the frenchmale and crossed his arms, while Joan gave a small wave at Francis and left the office. His green eyes narrowed at Francis while he trotted into the room and shut the door behind Joan as she left. 

"I got this scar-!" 

"Bravo..." Arthur muttered. Clapping sarcastically. "You got a scar-" 

"From a sword- see how clean cut it is? That means our suspect is really good at knife work and knew what they were doing. I'm a very good partner, see?"  

"W-wait...!" Arthur shouted. "Slow down, we're not partners." 

"We are now!" Francis replied. Placing his hands on his hips until he glanced at the male and noticed that Arthur wasn’t doing anything besides grumbling to himself. "What are you waiting for? Put it on our suspect list."

"You are not the boss of me wanker!" Arthur hissed, and grabbed his notepad, scribbling something fiercely down and glanced at Francis, shooting a cold response. “How do I know you aren’t this ‘pirate’. There haven’t been any sightings for one straight year and now you’re calling this and that. What do you have to gain from this?” 

“I don’t have anything to gain,” Francis lied as Arthur studied him. If he caught this pirate, he could become a pirate himself; however, he knew that Arthur would find it dumb and childish if he told him that from the tone he uses when he brings up pirates. “Why would I damage my own skin?” 

“To get me to join and-” Francis brought out his sword and grabbed a small piece of paper, he laid it down on the ground and clashed the sword onto it, missing the paper completely. 

Arthur, who was holding back a laugh, asked, “have you even used a sword. I don’t even touch those things and I probably could do a better job than that-!” 

Francis had slid his sword across the table towards Arthur and slid his hand on his cheek, feeling where the blade had pierced his skin. "Yanno, all the victims had their throats slit in a perfect line, why didn’t he go for mine?” 

Arthur glanced down at the paper, focusing on it for a bit and chopping out a jagged diagonal line, he didn’t respond as Francis observed the badly cut piece of paper and only gave a snicker. “Still did better than you did.” 

“I think cutting up the floor is a bigger accomplishment than a badly cut piece of paper.” 

“Yanno, at least I can aim…!” 

“I guess you don’t miss when it comes to your exs, right?” Francis snickered as Arthur scoffed, rolling his eyes as he yawned out. 

“Wow, you got me, clearly I am a woman’s man and I love it when people are in my face," sarcastically clapped Arthur.  

“You’re a virgin-?” Francis asked out, noticing the sarcasm as Arthur dropped the sword on the ground after hearing that question. 

“How the…???? Yanno…” Arthur watched as Francis picked up his blade and placed it into his buckle while giving Francis a cold stare. He grabbed out his notepad and scribbled something down. Francis glanced over the male’s shoulder as his nose wrinkled up in disgust. 

“What IS that?” 

“My… handwriting…” The handwriting was careful and formal, Arthur’s stoneface turned into a frown when he heard Francis laugh and slug him in the shoulder. 

“Nono, I know that dumb a-”

“Then get to the point,” Arthur growled darkly as Francis pointed to a word he couldn’t make out. 

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