Chapter 29

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"Surprised you aren't letting your thugs do your dirty work," Arthur jabbed as his brother swung at him, trotting out of the way to torment his brother.

It worked in Fishguard, it'll work here.

A smirk spread itself along his older brother's face as he swung again, this time making contact with Arthur's torn shoulder. A hiss escaped his lips as he stumbled back, preparing to deflect another one of his brother's blows.

"How naive, how naive," he tsked as Arthur swung, deflecting it off and shining the blade's reflection at Arthur: a bloody face and terrified green eyes met the blade's surface. "Doesn't this remind you of Liverpool?"


Arthur felt his feet tumble to the ground as Scott swept his foot against Art's ankles, causing him to fall against the pavement. Scott's eyes remained neutral as a devious smirk drew itself as his foot pressed itself upon Arthur's precious blade and sent it flying into the murky waters.

"I told you that a pirate's best friend was his sword, Arthur," pressed Scott as he adjusted his black gloves covered in filth and grime. "But you never listen, do you?"

His words were jammed in his throat. He couldn't speak. His heart beat began to race in his ears louder and louder and louder the closer Scott stalked. He felt his back try to creep through the cracks of the brick wall to no avail. He was royally fucked.

"Your friends aren't looking so hot..." Scott murmured, kneeling down beside Arthur, forcing the blond brit to crane his neck to look in the direction of his friends. Their fighting was sloppy and slow as more and more individuals kept coming. And coming. And coming.

"Send them home, Arthur," he felt his older brother press his lips against his ear as his hot breath caused the young Kirkland to cringe. "I don't want to have to kill them too."

A shiver snaked down his spine as he heard Scott's knees crack as the male towered over him. "You're dying. Don't let them die as well."

"Call your guards off. Tell them to leave," Arthur muttered as he pressed his hand against his wound. "It should just be me and you. No one else." He felt himself grow weaker as the blood continued to gush out of his wounds.

Scott's eyes never drifted off at the emerald eyes of his younger brother until more eyes came upon them.

"What do you want us to do with them?" Arthur's eyes tore themselves away from his older brother to his beaten friends... Their swords were missing, their clothes ripped and bloody and Alfred... His right eye bruised.

"Send them away to the surface, don't let them come back," Scott ordered. "And don't you guys come back. Go to the pub. It's my treat."

"ARTHUR-!" Alfred tried to wiggle out of his captor's grip, only for a wretched scream to wither out of his mouth as Hooke slammed his fist as hard as humanly possible.

"Alfred," Arthur tried to stand, only for Scott to grab his bleeding shoulder, his fingers so close to the wound opening. He paused his ascend.

"I'll be okay. I promise. After this is all over, I demand to be invited to your trip with Kiku and Tony," he tried his hardest to not let his voice waiver; however, it failed. He didn't even notice until a warm liquid began to run down his scared cheeks.

Sniffles escaped the American's nose as he gave a swift nod. "There won't be room, we can just do something else. You, Kiku, Ludwig, Francis and I... Maybe a BBQ or something?"

"Is that the best you could think of?" Arthur scoffed, rolling his eyes as the American began to kick, only getting punched again. The guards began to move as Scott snapped his fingers, he was looking forward to finishing his baby brother off.

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