Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Presley's POV:

The night Calum kissed me after the show, was the first moment I realized that I was actually "in love" with someone. The feeling was real. Not fake, like my last few relationships. I had never truly felt this way for someone, but with Calum, I felt like I was flying. After the kiss, Calum gave me his beanie and I wore it for the rest of the night. It was so adorable. We stayed backstage and hung out for a little while, until we knew that all of the screaming girls were long gone. We all went back on the tour bus chomped down on some some Oreos and chips, until I finally announced that I was tired and going to bed. I quickly changed into my pajamas and laid down on the soft comfortable top bunk, and fell into a deep sleep. That had been a long night.


It's now July 30th, and Calum and I have been successful through out our relationship so far. He's literally the sweetest thing I have ever seen. But anyway, we have performed many breathtaking shows, and we are now on our way out of Australia, and heading to the Philippines. I can't believe I'm going to the Philippines! This experience so far has been so amazing. I'm even getting my own little group of fans on Twitter. Many of their fans have been posting pictures of me on stage and saying that I was amazing, and that they ship me and Calum. I love them already.

Calum takes his hand in mine as we board the plane. It was a smaller plane, probably because it was a private flight. I take my seat, of corse, next to Calum, and the rest of the guys sit in the back with Kayleigh. She was also sort of our personal body guard, and I loved her for that. So many screaming girls were trying to rip the clothes off of Luke and Michael earlier today at the airport, until finally, Kayleigh stepped in and scared them off. It was hilarious. It's also nice, because she was the only other girl on the tour bus, so if I needed to talk to someone, I came to her. She's my new BFF.
The time we all spent together on the tour bus was absolutely amazing. There were so many funny moments on that bus that will be plastered into my mind for eternity. Thankfully, we will be able to get back on another tour bus when we leave the Philippines. Our next stop after there will be Japan. Boy, do I love that tour bus.

I snuggled closer to Calum as the plane began to take off. We were leaving Australia for the next few months, and I could tell, Calum was already missing home. He looked out the tiny window of the plane, at his beautiful continent, and sighed. I grabbed his hand and rubbed circles on it. He looked down at his hand and then back up to me. He leaned in slowly and turned his head a little. I began to lean in as well. Just before are lips were about to meet, Luke popped his head over our seats.

"Get a room!" He shouted as he pulled our heads apart.

"Shut up, Luke." Calum responded, giving him a dirty look.
When Luke finally sat back down in his seat, I leaned back over to Calum and kissed him on the cheek. He didn't even see it coming, and I just laughed as his eyes flickered over to mine.
I snuggled my head in his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I put my headphones in and listened to some music that I had downloaded just before leaving America. I did that until I noticed that a sleepy Calum had fallen asleep with his head leaning on top of mine. I gently lifted his head off of mine and propped his sleepy little face against the side of the plane. I stared at him and smiled. He was so cute when he slept.
I looked over at Ashton who was sitting alone in the row beside me.

"Ashton!" I whisper/yelled.
He looks over at me and waves.
I looked around to make sure the flight attendant wasn't in sight. When I saw that the coast was clear, I got out of my seat and sat down in the the seat next to Ashton.

"Hey. You've been kinda quiet lately. Are you ok?" I asked a little worried.
He looked down at his hands and didn't say anything.

"Ash?" I ask again.

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