Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Presley's POV:

We continued talking and later we all headed back into the Auditorium. Ashton sat back at his drums, Calum went back to his bass, Michael went to his guitar and Luke went to his acoustic. I sat down in the front row since I was done rehearsing. The song sounded great. I thought it would sound wimpy and off beat, but surprisingly, everything was in place and sounded beautiful. Especially me and Calum harmonizing. That made me want to fall to the floor it sounded so good.
As I sat in front of them, watching them perform their almost perfect songs, I continued to think about things and wondered if I would ever actually be myself around the guys. I wanted to, but two of them creep me out and the other two are just...well, I hate to admit it, but their kinda cute. Those two were Ashton and Calum. I felt like Calum was more of a closer friend. He seems to understand me and I feel like he actually listens when I talk. Ashton is someone who I feel like I can be myself around, but he makes me so nervous. Wait. Why am I falling for him? I can't have a relationship with anyone on this tour! It could end badly. I can't get myself into a situation like that.
The last song that they rehearsed ended, and I stood and applauded. I smiled at them and gave them a thumbs up.

"That was awesome! You guys sounded great!" I said.

"Thanks!" Ashton replied.

"I'm hungry!" Luke complained off to the side.

"Same here."Michael added.

They packed up all of their instruments, and put them backstage. Calum put his with everyone else's, and ran back down to me.

"You getting hungry at all? You barely ate anything for breakfast." Calum asked.

I hadn't noticed, but I was actually starving. My stomach had that burning feeling you get when you haven't eaten in hours.
I looked down at my phone to check the time. I read 2:46 pm.

"Now that I think about it, yea I'm pretty hungry. We've been here for a while." I said with a tired voice.

"Yea, that's what you get when you become famous." He said with a smile.

I let out a small laugh.

"So do you guys want to go to that new pizza place a few minutes away from here?" I heard Michael ask from the stage.

Calum looked at Michael, then back at me with a smile.

"Race to the car?" He asked with a cute little smile across his face.

"Sure. But I was on the track team." I said immediately sprinting past him and out the door of the auditorium.

"Cheater!" I heard Calum squeal from behind me.

I ran across the back parking lot to Calum car. I stopped in front of the door, looking behind me. Calum was running towards me. He was in full speed and he came closer and closer to the car.
All of the sudden, he tripped over something and fell to the ground.

"Calum!" I screamed. I ran over to him. He flipped over on his back, and I got down on the ground, leaning over him to make sure he was alright.

"Calum, are you ok? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I said hoping he was alright. He had taken a pretty hard fall.
His hands covered his face and he began to laugh. Of corse, I began to laugh also. Still leaning over top of him on the ground, I laughed at his laughter. It was a cute laughter that made his dimples show.

"You should have seen your face!" He said still laughing. We gradually stopped laughing for a moment. I looked into his hazel eyes, and realized how beautiful he actually was. He was gazing into my blue eyes at the same time.
He slowly moved closer and gently pressed his lips against mine. I just let it happen for a moment. I didn't even hesitate.
Just then, when I realized what was even happening, I lifted my head away from his.

"Wait, Calum. I think maybe..." I began.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid! I'm so sorry, Presley. I just...I don't know what I just did." He explained

"No it's fine. It's just that I think that if we were to actually be together or something, we should, you know, get to know each other first." I told him as nicely as possible.

"Ok. I totally agree." He said.
I got up from the ground and turned around.

"Well what do we have here?" Luke asked crossing his arms and smirking.

"Umm, I was...we were just.." Calum tried to explain until I cut him off.

"Calum and I were racing to the car and he fell. I was making sure he was ok. Promise." I told him.

"Oh, ok. Whatever you say." He said. He began to walk away.

"Wait Luke!" I said running after him.

"You know I know you guys were making out, right?" He asked with an ugly smirk on his face.

My jaw instantly dropped.

"We were not making out!" I quietly yelled, hoping nobody heard our conversation.
"Something just...sparked. I don't know what. But please, Luke. Please don't tell Ashton. Or even Michael. This is a private situation." I pleaded

"Why?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I Should even say anything.

"I think...that Ashton..." I began but I was cut off.

"Likes you? Oh yes. He definitely like you. He kinda told us all in the car on the way to rehearsal this morning. Never mind. I probably shouldn't say anymore." He began walking off.

So it was definite now. He did like me. I shook that off and focused on the more important problem here.

"Wait Luke. You promise you won't say anything?" I said. At this point, I probably looked like I was going to murder someone.

He let out a sigh.
"Promise." He said patting me on the back. He walked back to his car. I walked back over to Calum who was getting in the car.
I hopped in the opposite side and looked at him

"So let's just push that whole moment aside and be best friends, shall we?" He said in a hopeful voice

"We shall." I said agreeing
He began to pull out of the auditorium parking lot and out onto the main road.
We just rode in silence. It was awkward. Really awkward.

"Hey, I don't want things to be awkward between us, especially with the tour coming up." He said.

I shook my head.

"Hey, it's ok. Best friends, right?" I asked with a smile.

By then, he was parked in a parking space in at the pizza place.
He looked over at me.

"Best friends." He replied.


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