Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Ashton's POV:

After Presley went to bed, the guys and I stayed up for a few more hours. After that, we all went to sleep. I fell asleep on the couch, Luke and Calum up in Luke's room, and Michael fell asleep on another couch. We had a big day ahead of us, and I was really excited to get to work with Presley. She is so talented, and I don't think she knows it. She's also really quite pretty.

Suddenly, I awoke to Luke's mom making noises in the kitchen. The smell of eggs and bacon hit my nose, and I jumped up off of the couch to head to the kitchen.

"Hello, dear. How did you sleep?" Mrs. Hemmings asked.

"Good. We have a big day ahead of us today. I'm going to go get everyone up, so we aren't running late."

"Ok. Breakfast will be ready soon." She said as I exited the kitchen.

I walked over to Michael, who was draped over the couch like a blanket.

"Michael. You need to get up" I said nudging him.
He didn't move.
"Michael." I nudged him again.
"MICHAEL!" I yelled in his ear.
Finally he jumped off of the couch and gave me an angry glare.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm up." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Today's a big day. We need to get moving." I said as I began walking up the stairs.
I headed to Luke's room.
When I entered, I saw Luke in his bed, and Calum in Luke's big reclining chair all snuggled up in a blanket, fast asleep.

"Guys, it's time to get up." I said loud enough for them to hear.

Calum began to open his eyes and stretch his legs out. Luke put his head under his pillow and continued to sleep. Calum then got up from his chair.

"Make sure Luke gets up." I told Calum.

"K." Calum responded, walking to Luke.

I walked out of their room, and down the hall to Presley's bedroom.
I stood In front of the door, and put my ear up to it to see if I could hear anything. Nothing. She must still be asleep.
I slowly opened the door. I began walking in, but then quickly shielded my eyes. She only had on her pajama pants and was getting ready to put on a shirt.
She screamed and held her shirt over her.

"Do you not know how to knock?!" She yelled.

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't hear anything before I came in, I figured you were still sleeping. I'm going to leave now." I said backing out of the door and closing it behind me.

Great. What a wonderful first impression. This is going to be awkward from now on.

Presley's POV:

Ashton backed out of the door and closed it behind him. I stood there with my heart pounding, and my hands still holding my shirt over me.
That. Was. So. Awkward.
I can't believe that just happened! The first day with these guys, and their already walking in on me changing! I'm going to be on a tour bus with them for six months for heavens sake. How am I going to survive?
I continued getting dressed, and put my hair up in another messy bun. Today, I had on my skinny jeans, a red NC State shirt, and my black vans. Again, not a very impressive outfit, but it was similar to what the guys had on last night. So I must be ok with the "not having a good sense of style" thing. I threw on a little mascara, and headed downstairs, only to bump into Ashton on the way down.
I turned my head and BAM! He was right there. I slammed right into his chest. He grabbed me by the shoulders and steadied me.

"I'm sorry. We aren't really getting of on the right foot." He said smiling down at me, still holding my shoulders. His smile was really cute, to be honest, but this morning, I wasn't exactly in love with him.

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