Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Ashton's POV:

I sat on the couch at Luke's house, as Michael, Luke, and Calum chased each other around the house with Nerf guns. I was way too lazy to get up and join them. I had been writing a song all week and staying up late at night to put it all together, so I'm really tired. The song sounds really great, but I haven't showed it to the guys yet. It's called Almost There. Its a little bit slower than what we would usually play, but I decided that in our next album, we would need a little bit of a slow down. I'm planning on playing it on our next tour. It starts in six weeks, so I'm rushing to get the song completed. The hardest part of the song is going to be the piano. I can play the piano, but not playing the drums at the same time. We needed an extra person to play the piano part while the rest of us do our normal thing. That someone would have to be really really good, and willing to come on tour with us. It's the only way.

Suddenly, a foam bullet hit my forehead. I looked up and saw Luke standing In front of me with a scowl on his face.

"Come on, party pooper, get up." He said shooting me again.

"I can't. My legs won't move." I said slapping them.

"Dude, you look like your going to pass out at any moment. We're finally home from our last tour. Haven't you been sleeping?" He asked.

"Actually, no. I need to talk to you guys about something important." I said.


"Ow that was right in my ear." I said holding my hand up to my head.

Michael and Calum ran down the stairs and in front of me and Luke.

"What? Your interrupting our ninja war." Calum complained.

"So these past few nights, I have been working on a new song, hopefully for our new album." I said.

"Is that what all that racket was last night?" Michael asked.

"Yep. I have been staying up really late to complete it. It sounds really good, and I was hoping to play it on our tour in a couple of weeks." I told them.

"Can we hear it?" Luke asked.

"Yea, as soon as I finish up the last of it. There is also a piano part where we will need someone to play while we do our thing. There isn't enough of us to play five instruments at once. We are gonna have to find someone who is willing to go on tour with us."

Calum's eyes got wide

"I have been watching this girl on YouTube who did a cover of Amnesia. She's really good. She played it on the piano and it sounded great. She has an amazing voice, too. I looked at her channel, and it looks like she plays guitar, also. Maybe she could be a choice..." Calum said happily.

"Let's see her channel." I said.

Calum got up to get his laptop from his room.
When he returned, he was pulling it up.

"Ok, here's her cover of Amnesia." He placed his laptop on the coffee table in front of us.

She began playing and sang our song. Once it got about a minute into the video, I stopped it.

"Hey! Why did you stop it? I was listening!"Michael complained.

I looked at Michael and the guys.

"She's the one." I said smiling.

Presley's POV:

I woke up and heard my Mac Book make a jingle sound. I had set that sound for whenever someone comments on my videos.
I picked up my laptop and sat up in my bed. I opened YouTube and saw that someone had commented on my video. It was a private comment.
I glanced at the user name and looked away from it. Then, I noticed the username and looked back at it. It said 5SOSVEVO. I got a little excited that a famous band had just commented on one of my videos. After I finished freaking out in the inside, I decided I should probably read what they said.
It read:
Hey PresleyPlays1996, we're 5 seconds of summer. We have been recently working on a song for our new album and we are planning on playing it on our tour in six weeks. There is a piano part that none of us can play during the you get where this is heading?" Just give us a call pls!"

Then they left a phone number down below the comment.

I didn't even like this band, but this was the start to my fame! Finally! I don't even care about possibly meeting the band, I care that I just got asked to play piano for a huge band! I ran downstairs to show my mom the comment.


This was kinda short, but I hope you liked it! And sorry if there are any spelling errors or mistakes. I didn't have time to read through it before i published.

Luv u!

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